近二十年来,辽宁省的氮肥施用量增加20多倍,对促进农作物增产起了重要作用。但是,由于施肥方法不合理、氮磷钾比例失调等原因,随着施用量的增大而出现肥效降低的趋势。据研究,如能采取适当措施提高施肥效率,每斤氮肥可增产0.5~1.0斤粮食,那么全省每年由于合理施用氮肥就可增产粮食25~30亿斤。 一、氮素在作物体内的生理作用 作物体是由细胞组成的,靠细胞的不断分裂增殖而生长发育。蛋白质是构成细胞原生质的基本物质,在蛋白质中氮素占16~18%,没有氮就不能形成蛋白质,没有蛋白质便没有生命。
In the past two decades, nitrogen fertilizer application in Liaoning Province has increased by more than 20 times, which has played an important role in boosting crop production. However, due to the unreasonable fertilization method, the imbalance of N, P and K, etc., the fertilizer efficiency tends to decrease with the increase of the application rate. According to the study, if appropriate measures can be taken to increase the efficiency of fertilization, the yield of 0.5-1.0 kg of grain per kg of nitrogen could be increased, so that the province could increase its grain output by 2.5-3 billion kg per year due to the rational application of nitrogen fertilizers. First, the physiological role of nitrogen in the body Crop body is composed of cells, by the continuous cell division and growth and development. Proteins constitute the basic material of cell protoplasm, nitrogen in the protein accounted for 16 ~ 18%, no nitrogen can not form a protein, no protein will have no life.