Male patient, 67 years old. Dysentery was admitted for one month due to progressive dysphagia. The history of type 2 diabetes was 5 years, the history of hypertension was 10 years, and the history of coronary heart disease was 1 year. Examination on admission: There are 2 swollen lymph nodes on the right clavicle with a diameter of about 0.8 cm. Upper gastrointestinal angiography: A stenosis of approximately 7 cm in the esophageal thoracic stenosis and local nodular filling defects. Stomach and duodenoscopy: From the incisors 25cm to 29cm mucosal erosion, accounting for about 4/5 of the lumen, mucosal crisp, easy bleeding, take biopsy diagnosis of the middle esophagus in differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Thoracic MRI: In line with the performance of middle esophageal cancer,