难怪同志们说你是个“新闻人物”:不但《人民铁道》报、《北京铁道报》等大小报刊多次介绍你的事迹,太原电视台还为你编排过专题节目;你写的21篇科技论文分别发表在13种国家级、部、省级等刊物上,因此你在北京铁路局,甚至全国铁路系统也是小有名气的。 难怪同伴们羡慕你获得的荣誉:从太原铁路分局、北京铁路局优秀知识分子到山西省优秀工程技术人员,从北京铁路局优秀共产党员到荣获中华全国铁路总工会颁发的“火车头”奖章,你还多次获得北京铁路局的“七·五”建功立业的金奖章。 难怪有人说你命好:从学徒工到班组长,从技术员到车间主任,从工程师到总工程师,从共青团员到共产党员……总是一帆风顺。
No wonder the comrades say you are a “news person.” Not only are the newspapers and magazines such as the “People’s Railway” and the “Beijing Railway News” many times describing your deeds, but Taiyuan TV also arranges thematic programs for you. You write 21 scientific papers Respectively, published in 13 kinds of national, ministerial and provincial publications, so you in the Beijing Railway Bureau, and even the national railway system is also a little famous. No wonder the companions envy your honor: From the Taiyuan Railway Branch, Beijing Railway Bureau outstanding intellectuals to outstanding engineering and technical personnel in Shanxi Province, from Beijing Railway Bureau outstanding party members to the China Railway General Federation awarded the “Lost” medal, you Also won the Beijing Railway Bureau’s “five-year” founding success of the gold medal. No wonder some people say you’re good: from apprentices to team leaders, technicians to shop floor directors, engineers to chief engineers, and members of the CYL to communists ... Always easy.