Influence of resonator shape on nonlinear acoustic field in a thermoacoustic engine

来源 :Chinese Journal of Acoustics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beauty85123
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The influence of the resonator shape on nonlinear acoustic field in a thermoacoustic engine is studied.The resonator of themoacoustic engine is boundary driving by a piston at one end,and the other end of it is rigid closed.A one-dimensional wave equation that accounts for gas dynamic nonlinearities and viscous dissipation in the resonator is established based on the governing equations of viscous hydromechanics.The nonlinear wave equation is solved using approximate Galerkin method.The nonlinear acoustic field in four different types of shaped resonators including hyperbolical,exponential,conical and sinusoidal are obtained and compared with that of a cylindrical resonator.It is found that the amplitude and waveform of the pressure are strongly affected by the resonator shape,the driving amplitude and the oscillation frequency of the piston.Waveform distortion,resonance frequency shift and hysteresis are observed,when the piston oscillation amplitude is large enough.The advantages of shaped resonator for thermoacoustic engine lie in inhibition of higher order harmonics and improvement of pressure ratio,etc. The influence of the resonator shape on nonlinear acoustic field in a thermoacoustic engine is studied. The resonator of themoacoustic engine is boundary driving by a piston at one end, and the other end of it is rigid closed. A one-dimensional wave equation that accounts for gas dynamic nonlinearities and viscous dissipation in the resonator is established based on the governing equations of viscous hydromechanics. The nonlinear wave equation is solved using approximate Galerkin method. nonlinear acoustic field in four different types of shaped resonators including hyperbolical, exponential, conical and sinusoidal are obtained and compared with that of a cylindrical resonator. It is found that the amplitude and waveform of the pressure are strongly affected by the resonator shape, the driving amplitude and the oscillation frequency of the piston. Waveform distortion, resonance frequency shift and hysteresis are observed, when the piston oscillation amplitude is large enough. advantages shaped resonator for thermoacoustic engine lie in inhibition of higher order harmonics and improvement of pressure ratio, etc.
爷爷家在大山里,周围都是绿色的山野。爷爷家住的是一座老房子,大门的两边都挂着一把艾叶。艾叶干巴巴的,看上去挂了很久了。  爷爷家门前不远的地方有一条小河。河水清澈,能看到河底的石头。小鱼从河边的水草里游过,吐出一串小泡泡。  早晨,人们背着装了脏衣服的背篓来到河边洗衣服。咚咚咚——木槌敲打在衣服上,把正玩得开心的鸭子吓了一跳。
在上个世纪六七十年代,每到上下班的钟点,天津的街道上那可谓是车水马龙。不过那时的“马龙”不是今日的宝马等小轿车的拥堵,其“车水”就是有如钱塘江大潮般的自行车流。那时,能使车水马龙停下来的,除了交警的指挥棒和红绿灯,竟有两种食品有此奇效。那么,是什么食品有这样大的魔力呢?  其一是煎饼馃子。此君是天津人传统的快餐早点。就在骑车上班的路上,一脚蹬在边道牙子上,钱往摊主手里一递,“呲啦”一声,用不了2分
一、原有土建条件 为新建的六层住宅建筑,一梯二户,每户三室二厅二卫,有南北两个阳台。总建筑面积131m~2(含楼梯间公摊面积)。其中两个卫生间的墙、地面和洁具在土建阶段已