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通过列举一些文学作品中夹用外语现象 ,分析其运用的原因和目的 ,旨在引导读者了解这种用法 ,以提高文学欣赏水平 By enumerating the phenomenon of using foreign languages ​​in some literary works and analyzing the reasons and purposes of their application, this article aims to guide readers to understand such usage in order to improve literary appreciation
 曾经  任微风吹拂心底    露珠般的彷徨        你啊  为什么毅然  抛弃养尊处优    扎根在并不肥沃的土地        你啊  为什么安然  
序号题  目作 者  期号页码1创新与“毛泽东思想概论”课马红霞 1 12 80年来中共领导人的“五·四”观回放董德福 2 13中国农村土地制度演变的 80年金丽馥 2 74中国三代
A numerical method based on 3 D turbulence flow was applied to simulate the flow pattern in suction boxes of six different types. In light of the computational
政治·经济·法律( 1 .0 1 ) /雷立成 邓小平社会主义本质思想的基本特征( 1 .0 4 ) /彭分文 ,彭朝阳 关于“三个代表”的哲学思考( 1 .0 7) /戴鱼兵 论江泽民的知识分子
1 可液化地基的分析 饱和砂士在动力作用下,孔隙水压力上升,来不及消散,使土中的有效应力减小。当有效应力完全消失时,砂土的抗剪强度为零,砂粒在失重状态下悬浮在孔隙水中,
Main ContentsSome Thoughts on Gobalism from Hstorical Mitedaliam ............................... SHI Kuo(1. 4)Changes on Mede of Thinking and ssentific Research
According to the characters of the Miyun reservoir located in northeast Beijing, one dimensional method is used to establish the mathematical model of temperat
电厂根据实际诸多因素综合考虑,选择国产的3种空气冷却器,做了现场空气冷却器性能对比试验,提出了涉及通风系统改造、进口产品替代等问题。 Based on a variety of factors,
In photonic integrated circuits,information is usually encoded in the optical path.In this work,based on the multi-mode dielectric-loaded surface plasmon polari