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说明文,就一般常见的而论,主要是说明工农业生产、科学技术研究这些事物的一种文体。人们在工农业生产过程中、科学技术研究过程中不断总结,经过或长或短一段时间,就获得了对于这些事物的理性认识——认识了它们的特征、本质及其规律性等。依据工农业生产、科学技术研究的实际情况进行分析综合,把这些事物的特征、本质及其规律性等解说明白,就是说明文。不论什么文章,都是客观事物的反映。客观事物是丰富而复杂的。写作时,由于事物的内容不同,因而采用的表达方式也随之而异,说明文所采用的主要表达方 Explaining the text, as far as it is common, mainly describes a style of industrial and agricultural production, scientific and technological research. People in the process of industrial and agricultural production, scientific and technological research process continue to summarize, after a long or short time, they have obtained a rational understanding of these things - to understand their characteristics, nature and regularity. Analyze and synthesize according to the actual situation of industrial and agricultural production, scientific and technological research, explain the characteristics, essence, and regularity of these things. No matter what the article is, it is a reflection of objective things. Objective things are rich and complex. At the time of writing, because of the different contents of things, the expressions used are also different, indicating the main expressions used in the text.
(接2013年第1期)海洋调查船Oceanography research ship捕捞海洋学Fishing oceanography鱼粉加工业Fishmeal processing industry水声法Hydro acoustic method渔业立法Fisher
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众所周知,基本不等式(x+y)/2≥、xy~(1/2)(x>0,y>0)是初等数学中的一个极为重要、应用颇广的不等式。现把它推广如下: 若x>0,y>0,a>0,b>0,且a+b=1,则有ax+by≥x~(?)y~b(当且
有关 pH 试纸的使用,在现行初中化学教材中有两种不同的使用方法(以前的试用本中也有)。这两种不同的操作方法,前后矛盾,不利于教与学。因此,在初中化学教学中,对 pH 试纸的
一、三次函数的图象及其性质对于三次函数 y=f(x)=ax~3+bx~2+cx+d(a≠0),我们有 y′=f′(x)=3ax~2+2bx+c.设导函数 y′=f′(x)的判别式为△=4b~2-12ac=4(b~2-3ac).(1)当 a>0