目的了解宝鸡市电焊工的体质现状。方法选择装备制造企业20~60岁的1 025名电焊工进行体质测试,采用文献资料法、数理统计法等方法进行分析。结果男电焊工肺活量平均值为(3 457.78±538.67)ml。女子平均值为(2 820.56±546.86)ml,高于陕西省平均水平(P<0.01)。台阶指数男女分别为55.55和57.88,与陕西省调查结果相当。男女电焊工的左右手握力差别均较大(P<0.01),与电焊工焊接时右手使用频繁有关。电焊工的闭眼单腿站立时间的短于全国城市体力组平均水平(P<0.01),平衡能力和肌肉控制能力有所下降。结论该市电焊工的总体体质水平偏低。
Objective To understand the physical status quo of welders in Baoji City. Methods A total of 1 025 welders from 20 to 60 years old in the equipment manufacturing enterprise were selected for physical examination. The methods of literature review and mathematical statistics were used to analyze the physical constitution. Results The mean of male welders’ lung capacity was (3 457.78 ± 538.67) ml. The average score of women was (2 820.56 ± 546.86) ml, higher than the average level in Shaanxi (P <0.01). The step index was 55.55 and 57.88 respectively for men and women, comparable to the survey results in Shaanxi Province. Male and female welders left and right hand grip differences are larger (P <0.01), and welders welding right hand frequently used. Welder’s standing eyes with one leg standing shorter than the national average for the city physical strength group (P <0.01), balance ability and muscle control decreased. Conclusion The overall level of welders in the city is low.