事件1 笔者为一用户彩电更换高频头,考虑到该高频头属频率合成式,较一般高频头结构复杂,又因在本地区买不到,是特意托人从外地捎来的,所以在这次更换过程中笔者格外经心,确保无问题后才让用户把电视机取走。没成想当日傍晚用户打来电话,告知电视机图像不好,杂波严重。本认为万事大吉,忽听“厄讯”,不仅让笔者一时想不出招来,而且在心理上也一下子失去平衡。正当笔者苦苦思索第二天如何处理这件麻烦事时,接近半夜10点多钟,用户又打来电话,以
Event 1 author for a user to replace high-frequency TV head, taking into account the frequency of the first high-frequency synthesis type, general than the general structure of high-frequency head, but also because in this area can not buy, is specially entrusted come from outside the country, So in the course of this replacement, I particularly care to ensure that no problems before allowing users to remove the TV. Did not think the evening of the same day the user called, telling the TV image is not good, clutter serious. This all the best, suddenly listen to “Eritrea”, not only for a while I can not recruit, but also psychologically lost balance at once. While I was thinking hard about how to handle this trouble the next day, approaching midnight more than 10 minutes, the user called again to