80年代,甚至在苏-25攻击机开始批生产之前,俄罗斯军方就已经强烈地意识到,一种仅能在白天进行近距空中支援任务,并具有有限使用制导空对地武器能力的空中支援飞机,很难满足未来现代化战场的需求。同时提出,它们需要一种能够在战区前沿450千米以远区域、30-4500米高度上昼夜执行任务的空中支援飞机。它们能攻击敌方的机动和固定目标、空防系统、直升机、运输机和水面的小型舰只。这种军事需求被视为是俄罗斯对西方提出的能昼夜连续作战、攻击敌区纵深目标和精确打击敌军第二梯队部队空中支援飞机方案的响应。 苏-39就是根据上述需求,
Before the 1980s, even before the start of the batch production of the Su-25 attack aircraft, the Russian military was already strongly aware that an airborne mission capable of conducting short-range air support missions during the daytime and having limited use of air-to-ground weaponry Support the aircraft, it is difficult to meet the needs of the future battlefield of modernization. At the same time, they proposed that they need an air support aircraft capable of carrying out missions day and night at altitudes of 450 km and 450 km ahead of the theater. They can attack enemy maneuvering and fixed targets, air defense systems, helicopters, transport aircraft and small ships on the water. This military demand is seen as a response by Russia to the West’s proposal to continuously fight day and night, attack the enemy’s in-depth target and accurately crack down on air support aircraft of the enemy’s second-tier force. Su -39 is based on the above needs,