Novel Portable Oil Ingredient Instrument with Optical Fiber Link

来源 :Semiconductor Photonics and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:minglancao002
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The operation principle of a novel portable oil ingredient instrument is introduced. Using the theory of fluorescence measurement, this instrument can carry out fast and consecutive in-situ detection of oil ingredient in sea water, confirming fast and correctly the situation of oil contamination such as the concentration and the area, etc. The lowest detectable concentration for the instrument is 1×10 -8 g/ml with the precision of less than 3 %. The results of experiment and practice show that this system has well water-sealed characteristic and repeatability. The operation principle of a novel portable oil ingredient instrument is introduced. Using the theory of fluorescence measurement, this instrument can carry out fast and consecutive in-situ detection of oil ingredient in sea water, confirming fast and correctly the situation of oil contamination such as the concentration and the area, etc. The lowest detectable concentration for the instrument is 1 × 10 -8 g / ml with the precision of less than 3%. The results of experiment and practice show that this system has well water-sealed characteristic and repeatability.
我上高中时,张爱玲的《同学少年都不贱》面世,吸引了无数人的眼球,“张迷”自不必说,连很多不喜欢张爱玲的人,都买来看。因为这本书被宣传为张爱玲生前未发表的遗作。一代才女留给世人最后的东西,总该是珍贵的,起码能勾起人的好奇心。  当时,我并没有买来看,只是对书名有兴趣。“同学少年都不贱”分明是化用杜甫的“同学少年多不贱,五陵衣马自轻肥”。一生窘迫的杜甫写出这句话的时候,心情想必是沉重的。当年少时的同学
初中历史是丰富多彩的,是可以从不同的角度进行认识的。正因为如此,初中历史才成为培养学生追问和质疑勇气的最适宜的课堂。将初中历史置于学生思维 The history of junior