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  In case you missed it, a video last week showed a miniature horse eating a bowl of carrots—from a high chair1. A high chair. Yes, really.
  Some people were appalled, some were amused, some simply couldn’t believe that someone, somewhere put a horse in a high chair.
  But perhaps it shouldn’t be all that surprising—it might seem absurd, but it might also be the logical extension of the growing trend of treating animals as human and treating pets as children, equivalent to the toddler2 who eats from the same chair.
  Examples of this attitude are everywhere, and range from the innocent to the near-insane. Some people dress up their pets for Halloween, throw them birthday parties3, or create social media accounts for them. There are now five-star cat resorts, offering spa services, fine dining, and four-poster beds4. Yoga studios now offer“doga”5 classes to teach downward dog—to dogs. Fancy boutiques sell designer pet panties and bikinis, and doctors will perform cosmetic surgery in case your pet needs a facelift.
  Should any of this cause concern? Should we just smile and nod when people call their pets their kids and treat them as such? Should we shrug off the Facebook page “Animals are People Too” and “My Child has Four Paws” bumper stickers?6
  No. Because animals aren’t people. And pets aren’t children.
  Pointing out basic biological realities shouldn’t trigger outrage or offense, but when it comes to pets today, it often does.
  There seems to be confusion about the difference between pets and children and an increasingly large group of people who genuinely believe that having a pet is the same thing as being a parent. They adopt the language of parenthood with their pets, calling themselves “mommy” or “daddy” when talking to their “fur kid7,” “baby,” “or “child,” for example.
  Of course, it’s one thing to use such language lightly, as an innocent expression of love or a reflection of the great joy and deep bonds that pets, like children, can create.
  It’s quite another to use this language literally8.
  Words matter. Using inaccurate labels for things doesn’t just blur the very real lines between pets and people; it can lead to dangerous delusions9. What if a woman starts thinking she knows what a mom of two kids is going through because she’s a “mom” to two cats? What if a man believes having a baby won’t be much different than being a “dad” to a dog? Misnaming isn’t just silly linguistics if it triggers a retreat from reality.   Every pet has or had its own parent—another cat or dog that would have fed, nurtured, and raised its offspring, teaching it to survive as a wild creature in the animal kingdom.
  When people adopt pets, we tame what’s wild, teaching it how to survive in the human realm—how to pee in the right place and not drink from the toilet. We don’t parent animals, we humanize them.
  It’s the irony at the heart of pet-people relationships: often, our love for animals stems from their differences from us, yet once we have them, we treat them like they’re people. Sometimes, this spirals out of control, leading to creepy industries like pet cosmetic surgery.10 But we can’t call our role with pets “parenting” when we do the opposite of what a pet’s parent would do.
  Nonetheless, “pet parents” point out that they do everything real parents do—feed, bathe, cuddle11, clean up, care for, and love. Indeed, all these actions constitute part of the rituals and routines of true parenthood. But only in part, and with far lower stakes12.
  One does not, and cannot, teach character and morality to cats and dogs, yet that’s the most important job of a parent. Having a child means preparing another mind and soul for adulthood and independence. Having a pet means keeping an animal obedient and dependent so it never leaves the way a child will.
  Pets and children serve different roles, occupying different places in the lives of humans. Ignoring or actively denying these fundamental differences benefits neither creatures nor people.
  Calling a pet a child, or yourself its parent, ultimately reflects a misunderstanding of what animals are and what parenting is. We can call pets“pets” without loving them any less. We need not conflate13 animals and people in order to love either. After all, we might think forcing horses into human high chairs shows the horse and the world how much we love it, but in the world of horses (and of any animal), it only shows how much we don’t.
  不能。因为动物不是人,且宠物也不是孩子。   如果只是从基本的生物学層面上指出这个事实,应该不会引起愤怒或者攻击,但现在要涉及宠物,这就难免了。
  1. high chair: 小孩子吃饭坐的高脚椅。
  2. toddler: 学步的小孩。
  3. throw a party: (尤指在自己家里)举行聚会。
  4. four-poster bed: (老式可带拉帘的)四根帷柱的床。
  5. doga: 狗瑜伽,是主人与宠物狗一起参加的瑜伽课,旨在通过一定的姿势和按摩方式来改善狗的各项机能,加强狗与主人的关系。
  6. shrug off: 对……不予理睬,对……不屑一顾;bumper sticker: 保险杠贴纸。
  7. fur kid: 被主人当孩子对待的宠物。
  8. literally: 照字面义地。
  9. delusion: 妄想,错觉。
  10. spiral: 不断恶化;creepy: 可怕的。
  11. cuddle: 拥抱,依偎。
  12. stake: 利害关系。
  13. conflate: 混合,混淆。
美国人和中国人一样殷勤好客,有关请客聚会的名称使初到美国的人感到费解,对学习英语者来说更会感到茫然。本文就各类party作一简介。  一. apple picking party 摘苹果郊游会  秋天正值水果丰收季节,美国不少学校常邀请外国学生、老师参加郊外果园摘苹果活动,边摘边品尝,这是秋季过周末的一种形式。  二. brown-party 棕色纸袋聚会  这是一种自带食品的聚会。在美国,快餐店
对于自由行的游客来说,在京都搭乘当地公共交通,在两三天的时间里,看完京都热门樱花景地,并非易事。我们将京都分为几大区域,连同周边的奈良地区,可以分解为14个热门的赏花地点,收藏这份线路攻略,按照顺序去赏樱花,坐公共交通可以避免走弯路,节约不少旅行时间。  我四次去到日本的关西地区,都是以京都为主,辐射周边地区,攻略所写到的这14个赏樱地点,我全部走过一次,基本上都是乘坐公共交通,尽管有些地方不一定
2009年9月22日,哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)开始试播女律师题材的电视连续剧《傲骨贤妻》(The Good Wife)。由于反响良好,该公司于当年10月7日决定整季播出,并将原定的13集延长至23集。该剧热播后受到热捧,哥伦比亚广播公司遂于2010年1月14日宣布开始制作第2季,并于当年9月28日播出。2011年5月18日,观众企盼中的第3季开播。《傲骨贤妻》播出以来广受好评,主演朱丽安娜·玛格
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