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查关于填发土地房产所有证一案,业经于十二月四日以办秘(二)字第一三九八号通知检送华东区颁发土地房产所有证暂行办法及本委会关于执行中央人民政府内务部「关于填发土地房产所有证的指示」的指示在案。兹接中央人民政府内务部本年十二月廿五日内地字第一二六号指示,并附土地证式样到会。兹特各抄一份,随令附发,并说明如下,希即遵照办理:一关于填发土地房产所有证事项,应悉依内务部内地字第一二六 Investigations on the issue of all land certificates for land expropriation were conducted on December 4 with the provisional secret (II) letter no. 1398 issued by the East China area to issue real-estate ownership certificates issued by the Interim Measures and the Commission on the implementation of the Central Instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the People’s Government on “Instructions for Filling Out All Deeds of Real Estate in Land”. Following the instruction of the Ministry of the Interior of the Central People’s Government on January 12, this year, No.126 of the mainland word, accompanied by a sample of land certificates. Zit each copied one, with the appendix attached, and explained as follows, that he should follow suit: one on the issuance of all real estate certificate of the land should be noted that according to the Ministry of the Interior of the mainland word twelfth
我们于1995年至1997年间应用奥美拉唑和垂体后叶素联合治疗肝硬化并上消化道出血40例,并与单用垂体后叶素组进行疗效比较,现报告如下。 We were between 1995 and 1997 ome
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