On the issue of field gun stability, we have done a special experiment. Many factors affect the launch instability, in which the vacuum conditions are the main, at least better than 10 ~ (-9) care. In addition, preventing the first anode from venting is also a very important and difficult issue. Because this part is already well degassing, but still in the vacuum adsorption of residual gas, as the field emission, the electron bombardment directly be released. These gases in turn make the emitter surface gas adsorption more serious, ion corrosion increased, resulting in beam instability. This phenomenon was particularly evident at the beginning of each scene, and the degree of vacuum immediately dropped. In order to reduce this effect, we design the first anode of the field emission gun to be directly energized and heated. Compared with the additional filament electron bombardment method, the degassing is quick and the effect is good. The temperature can rise above 500 ℃ in a few seconds. The stability of the beam greatly improved, as shown in Figure 1 (in both cases, the transmitter did not do “lightning”).