布热盖提·哈斯木,一个普普通通的电大教师。普通得就象一粒沙子,身高只有一米五,瘸着腿上班、回家,回家、上班,来也匆匆,去也匆匆。然而,就是这颗普通的沙粒,在电大学员的心里却如金子一般灿烂,光辉闪烁,赤诚动人。 (一) “请不要写我。蚕在吐丝时,没想到会吐出一条丝绸之路。我也没想到过要出名。如果想出名,我就不会来电大了。” 孩提时代,她很想长大后做医生。可这梦想终究没有实现。高中毕业布热盖提身上穿的不是白大褂,而成为阜康县种羊场的“牧羊女”。
Bu Geitai Haas wood, an ordinary TVU teachers. Ordinary like a grain of sand, only one meter tall and five, lame leg to work, go home, go home, go to work, come in a hurry, go in a hurry. However, it is this ordinary sand, but in the minds of TVU students, but as brilliant as gold, gleaming, honest and moving. (A) “Please do not write me. Silkworm silkworm, did not expect to spit out a Silk Road .I never thought to be famous .If you want to be famous, I will not call a big.” Childhood, she is very Want to grow up as a doctor. This dream can not be realized after all. High school graduation cloth cover covered him not wearing a white coat, and become a breeding ground in Fukang County “Shepherdess.”