辽宁东亚育种研究所是辽宁东亚种苗公司于1992年创建并在省科委立项的民营科研机构。五年前,以陶承光总经理为首的公司领导根据国外种子业发展的成功经验,高瞻远瞩,制定了育繁推销一体化的发展战略。育种所的创建正是这一战略的体现。种苗公司办科研在国内尚属创举。几年来,东亚人不畏艰险,大胆探索,摸索出了一条公司办科研的成功之路。 育种所现有科研人员9人,其中博士1人,硕士3人,本专科生5人。根据业务发展需要,还准备从大专院
Liaoning East Asia Breeding Institute is a private scientific research institution established by Liaoning East Asia Seedling Company in 1992 and established by the Provincial Science and Technology Commission. Five years ago, the leadership of the company led by General Manager Tao Chengguang made a far-sighted plan based on the successful experience of the foreign seed industry and formulated the development strategy of integrating the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine with the traditional Chinese medicine. The establishment of breeding institutes is the embodiment of this strategy. Seed companies do scientific research in the country is still an initiative. Over the past few years, people in East Asia have been brave and arduous to explore and find a successful way for a company to run scientific research. Breeding existing scientific research personnel 9 people, including 1 Ph.D., master’s 3, the undergraduate 5 people. According to business development needs, but also from the tertiary institutions