Current situation for cultivating reflective thinking in English reading instruction

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  Abstract: Reflective thinking plays an essential role in cultivating students' creative ability. It's essential to cultivate this ability in the process of reading instruction, while the present traditional English teaching models hinder its development. This paper tries to analyze the current situation in cultivating students' reflective thinking in English reading instruction from the traditional teaching models, in the hope of refreshing the teachers' consciousness on their teaching methods.
  Key words: reflective thinking; teaching models;
  With the reform of the English teaching and learning, teachers and students begin to realize the importance of the students' ability, especially the creative thinking ability. Yet, most of the teachers always feel puzzled how to foster students' creative abilities. They are still used to the traditional teaching models. Many problems in reading instruction still need to be solved.
  2.1 Reflective thinking
  Historically, Dewey (1933), who himself drew on the ideas of many earlier educators such as Plato, Aristotle, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Solomon and Buddha (Houston, 1988), is acknowledged as a key originator in the twentieth century of the concept of reflection. He considered reflective thinking a special tool of problem solving.
  2.2 Knowledge-separated teaching
  The way one teaches reading always reflects the way one understands reading and the reading process. Some teachers teach reading by introducing new vocabulary and new structures first and then going over the text sentence by sentence. This reading follows a linear process from the recognition of letters, to words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and then to the meaning of the whole text. Teachers often use a lot of time on the language points while ignoring the summary of the whole structure of knowledge, even though teachers do an appropriate conclusion, students' deepest impression is only the point of the significance of the accumulation of knowledge, they still have no concept of how to receive the new information of the article and understand its profound meaning.
  2.3 Teacher-oriented teaching
  In English reading class, teachers are almost in charge of all the activities and occupy the dominant position. They take the initiative in informing the students from the explanation of vocabulary and the grammatical function to the analyses and conclusions of the theme, ideas, etc., and yet dismiss almost all the opportunities for the students to think by themselves. However, learning is students' task. The teacher's main function is to guide the students to think and study by themselves so that they can deal with their future life and study independently. In this kind of teaching model the students not only become more and more passive in learning, but also have no chance to solve the problems by themselves. Therefore, it goes against the basic purpose of our education. Such teacher-oriented teaching hardly gives students enough freedom to think about their study and seriously prevent the cultivation of the students' thinking ability.   2.4 Uncooperative teaching
  As is known, teaching and learning have mutual relationship, and teachers and students are the two centers of the class, either of which can be ignored. While in some English reading classes,teacher's solo activity occupies most of the class. In the pre-reading, it is the teacher who assigns the reading task; in the process of the while-reading, the teacher walks around the classroom to monitor the students' reading; after reading, it is still the teacher who gives the feedback and the evaluation. Teacher's dominating role goes through the whole process of the reading class. The relationship between the teacher and the students is the dominator and the follower. The teacher neglects the students' feedback and requirements. Teachers seldom consider organizing cooperative activities in which the teacher-student interaction and the student-student interaction will play a good role.
  Reflective thinking needs students to be a positive situation in class, the current traditional teaching models result in the students lost the active sense in English learning.
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