近来我对测验考试卷采取了三次评阅的方法。 第一次是同学互评。即考试后先由教师公布标准答案、交待详细的评分标准,再让考生按班或组交叉评阅其他同学试卷,要求标明各题得分、统好总分并签上阅卷人的密码(密码,只有任课老师和本人知道,目的是加强阅卷人的责任感和避免因评分松紧而产生的不必要的纠纷)。 第二次是考生自评。即考生本人在充分热悉标准答案和评分标准的基础上审查自己的试卷,对阅卷人
Recently I have taken three reviews of the quiz paper. The first time was peer review. That is, after the test, the teacher first publishes the standard answers and stipulates the detailed scoring criteria. Then, the candidates are asked to cross-assess the other students’ papers by class or group, and they need to indicate the scores of each question, keep the total score and sign the password of the reviewer (password, only The teacher and I know that the purpose is to strengthen the reader’s sense of responsibility and to avoid unnecessary disputes caused by the tightness of the score). The second time was the candidate’s self-assessment. That is, the examinee himself examines his own examination paper on the basis of full knowledge of the standard answer and scoring criteria.