高中语文第一册 第二单元作文训练

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作文范围记叙文,从表达方式来说,以叙述、描写为主,间以说明、议论、抒情;在内容上,则可分为写人记事和写景状物两类。本单元重点突出“写景状物”。“写景状物”有一景一物的叙述描写,有一景数物的叙述描写,也有数景数物的叙述描写。例如《长江三峡》中有这样一段文字:“再驶行一段, The scope of the composition is narrative. In terms of expression, the narrative and description are mainly used to explain, discuss, and express feelings. In terms of content, it can be divided into writing people’s notes and writing scenes. This unit focuses on “writing scenes.” “The scene is written” has a narrative depiction of a scene, a narrative depiction of several scenes, and a description of several scenes. For example, in the “Three Gorges of the Yangtze River” there is a paragraph like this:
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[原文] 光与左将军桀结婚相亲,光长女为桀子安妻,有女,年与帝相配。桀因帝姊鄂邑盖主,内安女后宫为睫抒。数月,立为皇后。父安为票骑将军,封桑乐侯。光时休沐出,桀辄入代光
一九八七年全国高中数学联赛第二试第二题为下面的:命题1 △ABC 和△ADE 是两个不全等的等腰直角三角形,AB=BC,AD=DE,现固定△ABC,而将△ADE 绕 A 点在平面上旋转,试证:不论
江苏省出版学校——姚润琪来信说:中师化学课本中,在每一章结束后往往都有一则“阅读材料”,我认为在教学中能产生一些有利影响,所以建议化学教师也可一试。 According to
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