Reversing design methodology of investment casting die profile based on ProCAST

来源 :China Foundry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ppt20041
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Turbine blade is one of the critical components of aircraft engine.The performance of the engine depends on the shape and dimensions of components,but superalloy blade material cannot be easily machined.Although investment casting is an ideal process for such net-shape components,it requires an accurate determination of the casting-die profile.In this paper,a reversing design methodology for investment casting die using ProCAST is proposed.By combining the methods of simplifying grid files and quick sorting,the efficiency of sorting and matching can be largely improved.Further,the mould/die cavity anti-deformation system can be easily built.With ProCAST,the optimized die profile for investment casting can be established. Turbine blade is one of the critical components of aircraft engine. The performance of the engine depends on the shape and dimensions of components, but superalloy blade material can not be easily machined .Although investment casting is an ideal process for such net-shape components, it requires an accurate determination of the casting-die profile. This paper, a reversing design methodology for investment casting die using ProCAST is proposed. By combining the methods of simplifying grid files and quick sorting, the efficiency of sorting and matching can be substantially improved .Further, the mold / die cavity anti-deformation system can be easily built.With ProCAST, the optimized die profile for investment casting can be established.
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