
来源 :冰川冻土 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cqy2002
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The soil landscape relationship was investigated in the Upper Urumqi River Basin of the Tienshan Mountain Range, Xinjiang, China. Cryosols occurred in glaciated valleys and north-facing toeslopes at elevations above 3 000 m. Most cryosols developed in moraine are Aquiturbels. The microrelief is dominated by earth hummocks, thus the surface organic layers are either discontinuous or broken due to frost action. The Bg horizons are either gleyed or mottled and frost-churned organic matter is common in the lower Bg horizons. Stratified horizons and buried organic or A horizons are also common on gentle sloping or undulating moraines indicating the effects of gelifluction. Reticular structures formed in the lower active layers due to ice lens formation and freeze-thaw cycles. The active layer thickness ranges from 140~200 cm. The organic cryosols (Hemistels) occur in depressions and north-facing toeslopes with an active layer thickness ranging from 90~110 cm. Soils formed on south-facing slopes have a mollic epipedon 20~25 cm thick and a strong brown cambic horizon and are classified as Haplocryolls. The distribution of cryosols is smaller as compared with the extent of permafrost due to the depth requirement of permafrost in cryosol classification. However, the existence of permafrost at greater depth cannot be ignored in land use interpretations.
为研究中国热带森林的可持续经营方式 ,在中国西南西双版纳的山地雨林中设置了 1 2块固定观测样地 ,并在定期观测数据基础上估计林分生长量、林木进界率与径阶保留率等 .据此
对棱镜补偿式高速摄影机的收片启动特性进行了定量分析 ,根据分析给出了在工程中实现这一运动特性的步骤和方法 ,该方法的核心思想是从试验中得到控制运行所需要的参数 ,然后
从对断层导水性能的分析出发 ,提出了地下水数值计算中断层处理的“切割—导通法” ,既考虑断层侧向导水性 ,又考虑了其垂向导水性 ,更符合断层导水的实际情况 ,也易于描述较
对大别山南、北坡燕山期花岗岩风化壳研究表明: 南坡司空山黑云母二长花岗岩风化壳为剥蚀型风化壳, 在水解作用以及酸性介质条件下脱碱、钙、硅和富铝, 主要矿物学演化是长石
本文采用能量集中与耗散的方法 ,提出了增层结构的优化刚度和质量 ,降低原结构的动力反应 ,达到了利用增层减振的效果。 In this paper, the method of energy concentratio
对南海南部ODP1143站近百万年来钙质超微化石进行了氧、碳同位素分析, 结果表明, 超微化石δ18O比值与浮游有孔虫和底栖有孔虫δ18O比值呈同步变化, 但超微化石δ18O值较浮游