0 什么叫“语言”?语言就是人们说的话。(用文字把话写下来,当然还是语言,这个一会儿再讲。)世界上的人说的不是一种话:一个民族有一个民族的话,俄罗斯人说俄罗斯话,日本人说日本话,汉人说汉话。再往小里说,一个地方有一个地方的话,北京人说北京话,上海人说上海话,东庄的人说东庄话,西村的人说西村话。就因为这样,您要问世界上有多少种话,竟无从回答一个数目。如果按汉语、俄语这样的单位来算,大概也短不了千儿八百吧。
0 What is “language”? Language is what people say. (Write down the words in words, of course, in the language, and then again.) The world's people are not saying a thing: a nation has a nationality, a Russian speaks Russian, a Japanese speaks Japanese, and a Han say Chinese. And then to the small to say that there is a place in a place, Beijing people say Beijing dialect, Shanghai dialect, Dongzhuang people say Dong Zhuang, Nishimura people say. Because of this, you have to ask the world how many kinds of words, there is no answer to a number. If you press Chinese, Russian units to count, probably short-lived it.