人的认知的基础是对句子深层结构的认知。机器作为形式化的认知手段 ,很难理解非形式限制的靠常识和逻辑判断的各种歧义。人的认知在识别一个句子时 ,是把句子作为一个语义整体来处理的。怎样使机器认知的层次从词和词组的层次上升到句子或段落的层次上 ,怎样使机器认知依靠相邻信息来排除人的认知靠常识或逻辑才能排除的歧义 ,是汉英机器翻译在今后的分析环节中需要解决和完善的问题
The basis of human cognition is the cognition of the deep structure of the sentence. As formalized cognitive devices, it is difficult for a machine to understand the various kinds of ambiguity that are unjustified by common sense and logical judgment. When recognizing a sentence, human cognition deals with the sentence as a semantic whole. How to make machine cognition level rise from the level of words and phrases to the sentence or paragraph level, how to make machine cognition rely on adjacent information to exclude people’s cognition Can be ruled out by common sense or logic, Translation in the future analysis of links need to solve and improve the problem