不育症是影响男女双方身心健康的世界性问题。据国际妇产科联合会 1990年估计 ,由于男性因素造成的不育占 8%~ 2 2 % ,这一比例随着环境污染等因素的影响 ,还在升高。因此男性因素致女性不育不孕亦日益引起妇产科医生的广泛重视。本文就男性不育与Y染色体微缺失之间的关系做一综述 ,从分子水平对男性不育的病因作一些探讨 ,为临床医生引导病人接受辅助生育技术提供遗传咨询 ,为未来的基因治疗提供理论依据。
Infertility is a worldwide problem affecting the physical and mental health of both men and women. According to the International Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1990, male infertility accounted for 8% to 22% due to male factors. The proportion is still rising with environmental pollution and other factors. So male infertility caused by female infertility also increasingly attracted widespread attention of gynecologists. This article reviews the relationship between male infertility and Y-chromosome microdeletion, discusses molecular causes of male infertility, provides genetic counseling for clinicians to guide patients to accept assisted reproductive technology, and provides gene therapy for future gene therapy Theoretical basis.