随着白血病治疗的进展,联合化疗治疗白血病的效果在不断提高。但是,在治疗过程中,所应用的化疗方案治疗效果如何,目前还没有理想的预测指标。作者对化疗第一疗程结束后骨髓内白血病细胞减少的指数(MBDI)作为急性白血病(AL)治疗效果预测指标进行了研究。1 材料
With the progress of leukemia treatment, the effect of combined chemotherapy in the treatment of leukemia is continuously improving. However, in the course of treatment, what is the therapeutic effect of the applied chemotherapy regimen, there is currently no ideal predictor. The authors studied the index of the reduction of bone marrow leukemia cells after the first course of chemotherapy (MBDI) as a predictor of the efficacy of acute leukemia (AL) therapy. 1 Materials