由 NASA 的马歇尔空间飞行中心(MSFC)的亨茨维尔的阿拉巴马(Alabama)大学联合承办的国际低温工程和低温材料会议(ICMC)1991年6月11日至6月14日在美国的亨茨维尔召开。来自世界各国的623名代表参加了会议。参加会议的1219篇论文涉及空间低温技术、制冷机、高温超导、空间流体的输送、低温测量、传热和流体力学、低温电子学等7个方面。会议期间安排了4次大会报告。内容分别为:1.低温发展史;2.高温超导;3.国际核实验反应堆;4.空间站。其余是分会口头报告、张贴报告。会议两年在美国举行一次。会议论
International Cryogenic Engineering and Cryogenic Materials Conference (ICMC) co-hosted by the University of Alabama, Huntsville, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) June 11 to June 14, 1991 in the United States Ciers was held. 623 delegates from all over the world attended the meeting. 1219 papers attended the conference on space cryogenic technology, refrigeration machines, HTS, space fluid transport, cryogenic measurement, heat transfer and fluid mechanics, low temperature electronics and other seven aspects. During the meeting, four assembly reports were arranged. The contents are as follows: 1. History of low temperature development; 2. High-temperature superconducting; 3. International Nuclear Experimental Reactor; 4. Space station. The rest is the club oral report, posting a report. The meeting was held in the United States for two years. Conference on