§1.引言 在两种语言之间,有些语言形式单从词汇意义和语法意义上看,是相互对应的,但在较大范围的上下文语言环境里却有很多不同的表现,这种现象并不少见。汉语和日语之间,这样的例子就不少,本文在诸多因素中,把语境因素作为主要因素,考察两种语言之间的差异。即考察省略疑问句、第三人称代词、指示代词三方面的问题。 §2.关于省略疑问句 汉语的省略疑问句,一般是在不含其他疑问形式的词语、句子后附加“呢”构成的。例如“你呢?”、“要是明天下雨呢?”等等。这些句子的疑问对象本身通常是话题,表示疑问内容的谓语部分往往被略去。这些和日语中常见的“~は?”的形式很相似。例如“ぁなたは?”,“もし雨だったらは?”不过,这二者所依存的语境以及在此语境中的意义、功能是明显不同的。例如,日本人与不熟悉的人打招呼时问“失礼ですが,ぁなたは?”换成汉语的“请问你呢?”就不合适。再如,在单位里看到同事样式新奇的眼镜问:“おや,その眼镜は?”直译成汉语的“啊呀,你的这副眼镜
§1. INTRODUCTION In some languages between the two languages, some forms of language correspond to each other both in lexical sense and in grammatical sense. However, there are many different manifestations in a wide range of contextual languages Not uncommon There are quite a few examples between Chinese and Japanese. This article examines the differences between the two languages by using contextual factors as the main factor among many factors. That is to examine the omission of interrogative sentences, third-person pronouns, demonstrative pronouns in three areas. §2. Omission of interrogative Chinese omission interrogative sentences, usually in the absence of other questions in the form of words, the sentence attached to “it” posed. For example, “What about you?”, “If it rains tomorrow?” And so on. The object of questioning of these sentences is usually the topic itself, and the predicate part of the question content is often omitted. These are similar to the forms of “~ は?” Common in Japanese. For example, “ぁ な ta は?”, “も し た っ た ら は?” However, the context of the two depends on the meaning and function in this context is significantly different. For example, when a Japanese greets an unfamiliar person, he asks, “Would you please?” By replacing “失 る す す が, ぁ な た は?” With Chinese. Again, in the unit to see my colleagues in a new style of glasses asked: “お や, そ の glasses は?” Literally translated into Chinese "ah, your pair of glasses