Grandparents:Great teachers of the Navajo 祖父母:纳瓦霍人的良师

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   Though not as much as in the past, grandparents are the teachers of the Navajo (纳瓦霍人) youth. They make young people aware of life at an early age. The parents allow them the privilege of teaching the children, and the grandparents take great pride in raising them.
   Young children often stay with their grandparents for years at a time, developing a close and trusting relationship. The grandparents teach them Navajo legends and the principle of life, emphasizing both new culture trends and the preservation of traditions.
   The grandparents are also the leading figures in teaching the youth the arts of weaving, caring for the livestock, using herbal medicine, and other arts and crafts.
   The children are taught to respect their elders, care for them, help them and learn from them. Young people are urged to listen with care to the words of their elders and keep as much wisdom as possible. Grandparents often go to social gatherings and traditional events, and young people have opportunities to learn more about their culture and traditions.
   I lived with my grandmother for thirteen years, and she raised me in the old ways of our people. Although I was going to school, she taught me as much as she could about our traditions. If I had a chance, I would listen again to her wise teachings, expressed with kindness in a soft voice that touched my heart.
   We used to plant corn and pumpkin every summer. They never grew big enough to feed us, but we planted them anyway. I asked my grandmother why. She said, “Grandson, our plants will be far more beautiful than the flowers outside the fence.” I didn’t understand until one day I saw their beauty as I was coming over the hill with her. She said, “Anything that is a part of you is always far more beautiful than the things which you pass by.” We had some beautiful years together. I’m glad she is a part of me and I’m a part of her.
   Children used to be well disciplined, possessing more respect for culture, traditions and beliefs than they do now. The world of the Navajo has been influenced by the western world, and the grandparents have less control and influence than they used to. But the young people who have been touched by their teachings have glimpsed a way of life beyond what most people know today.
  Reading check
  1.What can be inferred from the first paragraph?
   A.Grandparents are the source of traditional culture.    B.Parents hate to take the trouble to raise their children.
   C.Early schooling isn’t very popular with the young Navajo.
   D.Children learn about the meaning of life from their
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