Thirty-Six Stratagems (1)

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   The Thirty-Six Stratagems is a Chinese essay used to illustrate a series of stratagems used in politics, war, as well as in civil interaction, often through unorthodox or deceptive means. No one really knows who the author was; instead, the prevailing view is that the Thirty-Six Stratagems may have originated in both written and oral history, with many different versions compiled by different authors throughout Chinese history.
   The Thirty-Six Stratagems has six chapters containing six stratagems each. The first three chapters generally describe tactics for use in advantageous situations, whereas the last three chapters contain stratagems that are more suitable for disadvantageous situations. They are in the form of four-character idioms. Each proverb is accompanied by a short comment, no longer than a sentence or two, that explains how said proverb is applicable to military tactics. These 36 Chinese proverbs are related to 36 battle scenarios in Chinese history and folklore, predominantly of the Warring States Period and the Three Kingdoms Period.
   The Culture column of this issue will share with you the first three chapters of the essay, (to encourage you to win), and then the rest three chapters in July issue, (in case you stand in disadvantageous situation in a battle).
   Chapter 1 勝战计 Winning Stratagems
  Deceive the heavens to cross the ocean
   Comment: 备周而意怠,常见则不疑,阴在阳之内,不在阳之对。太阳,太阴。
   Prepare too much and you lose sight of the big picture; what you see often you do not doubt. Yin (the art of deception) is in Yang (acting in open). Too much Yang (transparency) hides Yin (true ruses).
  Besiege the state of Wèi to rescue the state of Zhào
  Comment: When the enemy is too strong to be attacked directly, then attack something he holds dear. Know that he cannot be superior in all things. Somewhere there is a gap in the armour, a weakness that can be attacked instead.
  Kill with a borrowed knife
  Comment: Attack using the strength of another (in a situation where using one’s own strength is not favourable). Trick an ally into attacking him, bribe an official to turn traitor, or use the enemy’s own strength against him. Stratagem
  Leisurely await for the laboured
  Comment: It is an advantage to choose the time and place for battle. In this way you know when and where the battle will take place, while your enemy does not. Encourage your enemy to expend his energy in futile quests while you conserve your strength. When he is exhausted and confused, you attack with energy and purpose.   趁火打劫
  Loot a burning house
  Comment: When a country is beset by internal conflicts, when disease and famine ravage the population, when corruption and crime are rampant, then it will be unable to deal with an outside threat. This is the time to attack.
  Make a sound in the east, then strike in the west
  Comment: In any battle the element of surprise can provide an overwhelming advantage. Even when face to face with an enemy, surprise can still be employed by attacking where he least expects it. To do this you must create an expectation in the enemy’s mind through the use of a feint.
  Chapter 2 敵战计 Enemy Dealing Stratagems
  Create something from nothing
   Comment: A plain lie. Make somebody believe there was something when there is in fact nothing.
  Openly repair the gallery roads, but sneak through the passage of Chencang
  Comment: Advancing secretly by an unknown path. Deceive the enemy with an obvious approach that will take a very long time, while surprising him by taking a shortcut and sneak up to him. As the enemy concentrates on the decoy, he will miss you sneaking up to him.
  Watch the fires burning across the river
  Comment: Delay entering the field of battle until all the other players have become exhausted fighting amongst themselves. Then go in at full strength and pick up the pieces.
  Sacrifice the plum tree to preserve the peach tree
  Comment: Palming off substitute for the real thing. There are circumstances in which you must sacrifice short-term objectives in order to gain the long-term goal. This is the scapegoat stratagem whereby someone else suffers the consequences so that the rest do not.
  Hide a knife behind a smile
  Comment: Charm and ingratiate yourself to your enemy. When you have gained his trust, move against him in secret.
  Take the opportunity to pilfer a goat
  Comment: While carrying out your plans be flexible enough to take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself, however small, and avail yourself of any profit, however slight.
  Chapter 3 攻战计 Attacking Stratagems
  Stomp the grass to scare the snake
  Comment: Do something unaimed, but spectacular (“hitting the grass”) to provoke a response of the enemy (“startle the snake”), thereby giving away his plans or position, or just taunt him. Do something unusual, strange, and unexpected as this will arouse the enemy’s suspicion and disrupt his thinking. More widely used as“[Do not] startle the snake by hitting the grass”. An imprudent act will give your position or intentions away to the enemy.
当人们的旅行目的地甚至加入了“太空”这一条目时,对中国充满兴趣的摄影师Dheera 却展开了一场“穿越之旅”:他通过寻找各种书籍、网站等,事先收集了大量中国老照片,然后根据原始照片,在尽可能相同的拍摄点位上,按下快门,记录下城市发展的最新刻度。这些在同一地点、不同时间拍摄的照片清楚地展示了时光变迁留下的印记,让人惊艳的同时,也让人真切地感受到这个国家强大的发展潜力。相信再过一百年,她会更加强大!
Eight years ago, my mother received an unusual call from her mother.  “Have you got a minute?” my grandmother asked in her gentle drawl. She then claimed that my 60-year-old aunt, my mother’s sister,
一段时间以来,断章取义掀起的风波,并不鲜见。而类似“放水抗日”的反转,也常常发生。比如六小龄童“被过世”,我国锂电产业“被亏损”,上海购房信贷新政“被出台”……看似不起眼的字句、随手而发的消息,既可能影响一个人,也可能影响一个行业,甚至能引发更大范围的社会危机。  这种现象中,有两个因素尤其需要重视。一方面,名人八卦、劲爆内幕、激烈冲突、离奇故事常常在舆论场上有天然的“眼球效应”,导致一些网站和网
Host: OK, the phone rings, really early in the morning. The caller ID says the call’s from Sweden. If you’re an academic or scholar, even if you’re on furlough, especially this week, you know you’d be
【高考真题】  阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。  语文学习关系到一个人的终身发展,社会整体的语文素养关系到国家的软实力和文化自信。对于我们中学生来说,语文素养的提升主要有三条途径:课堂有效教学、课外大量阅读、社会生活实践。  请根据材料,从自己语文学习的体会出发,比较上述三条途径,阐述你的看法和理由。  要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题,不要套作,不得抄袭,不得泄露
世界之大,无奇不有。万春小学的剪纸博物馆成立,这样一次“携手非遗,相约传统”的活动迅速热腾起来,吸引着我们的眼球。而从剪纸艺术来看,融生活气息和文化韵味为一体,体现了一种创新意识。  就像万春小学的孩子们大胆使用黑黄绿等颜色,与传统剪纸以红色为基调不同,孩子们的剪纸有了更鲜亮的视觉效果。这样加入新鲜元素,使传统文化更加接近我们现代人,也使我们更有兴趣,更加喜爱。  创新,无疑是解决问题的良方。在我
不同的物种——甚至在进化上相距甚远的物种,如果生活在条件相同的环境中,有可能产生功能相同或十分相似的形态结构以适应环境。例如哺乳纲的鲸和海豚、爬行类的鱼龙等由于长期生活在水中,因而进化出与鱼类相似的体型;澳大利亚的袋食蚁兽、非洲的土豚、亚洲的穿山甲和南美洲的食蚁兽都具有相似的生活方式和适于捕食白蚁的相似生理结构。此种现象被称为趋同进化(convergent evolution)。  Here’s
什么?差生也能当总统?是的,你没听错,美国前总统小布什在南方卫理公会大学毕业典礼上是这么说的。这是他卸任后首次出席大学毕业典礼并发表演讲,整场演讲幽默风趣,同时不乏励志之语,下面就让我们一起来看看。   节选一   Thank you. Thank you very much. President Turner, thanks. Members of the Board of Trustees
落日熔金,暮色四合,乘一叶扁舟,来到历史的彼岸:与苏轼探讨人生的渺茫与伟大,与陶潜共享带月荷锄归的美好,与李煜分担愁如东流之水的感伤……用一指墨香,览尽文化之深邃与灵动。【开篇运用想象,以排比的形式与文化名人对话,将读者引入浓厚文化氛围中,自然地导入话题,照应题目,语言典雅,令人眼前一亮】  文化从那翻滚激荡的黄河开始,便根植于我们的心田,镌刻于我们的基因。那寓意吉祥的中国结,那元宵佳节的灯谜,那
美丽和好身材并没有唯一的评判标准,做自己就好,健康就好  “夏天还没到,地球人就开始流行A4腰。”这是近来网友们津津乐道的话题。所谓“A4腰”,是指比A4纸还要窄的小蛮腰,即腰的宽度小于21cm,给人最直观的视觉感受就是“瘦”。自一众明星在网上晒图后,不少身材不那么苗条的网友也开始喊着要“减肥”,争取拥有“A4腰”。一些脑洞大开的网友调侃道:“不知道把A4纸横过来量算不算?”  在当下,“瘦”几乎