衣食住行是中国人的四大基本生活要素。要“行”,就离不开路,为了保障我国道路畅行无阻,最近、国家通过了一部关于路的法——《中华人民共和国公路法》 以法定制,势在必行 公路是国民经济的重要基础设施,建国四十多年来,中国的公路事业取得了长足的发展。到1996年底,全国公路总里程达118万公里,比1949年增长14倍。全国所有县、98%的乡(镇)、80%的行政村都通了公路。据1995年底统计,全国公路运输所承担的客、货运量分别占全社会总运量的88.8%和76%,公路运输已成为我国综合运输体系中的重要组成部分,其通达的深度和
Basic necessities of life are four basic elements of Chinese life. In order to guarantee a smooth and unimpeded road to our country, recently, the state passed a law on roads - the “Roads Law of the People’s Republic of China” is legalized and the imperative road is the national economy Important Infrastructure Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China over 40 years ago, China’s road development has made great strides. By the end of 1996, the total length of the country’s highways had reached 1.18 million kilometers, an increase of 14 times that of 1949. All the counties in the country, 98% of townships (towns), 80% of the administrative villages have access roads. According to the statistics at the end of 1995, the volume of passenger and cargo carried by the country’s road transport accounts for 88.8% and 76% of the total transport volume of the whole society respectively. Road transport has become an important part of China’s comprehensive transport system. Its accessibility and