黄花菜别名萱草,俗称金针菜,是百合科宿根性多年生草本植物,富含蛋白质、维生素钙、铁等多种营养成份,是群众喜食的一种保健蔬菜。 一、整地施肥:选择腐殖质多、土层深厚、排水良好的地块,每667平方米施碳酸氢铵30~35千克或尿素10~15千克,过磷酸钙40~50千克,磷酸二氢钾3~5千克,在施足底肥的基础上深
Daylily alias Hemerocallis, commonly known as lily, lily Branch is a perennial herb, rich in protein, vitamin calcium, iron and other nutrients, is a kind of health food for the masses. First, soil preparation and fertilization: Choose humus, deep soil, well-drained plots, each 667 square meters Shi Bicarbonate 30 to 35 kg or urea 10 to 15 kg, superphosphate 40 to 50 kg, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 3 to 5 kg, in the application of base fertilizer on the basis of deep