
来源 :儿童音乐 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czjjay
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1712年,在汉诺威选帝侯的宫廷里担任乐长之职的亨德尔,再次向宫廷请假去英国。宫廷批准了他的请假,但要他及时回来。亨德尔到了伦敦,取得英国宫廷作曲家的职位,想在英国长住下去。久久没有返回汉诺威。1714年,汉诺威选帝侯继承了英国的王位,称乔治第一。他对亨德尔滞留英国,迟迟不归,非常生气,为此一直心存芥蒂。据说第二年(1715年)乔治第一秉着御船巡行泰晤士河时,亨德尔为他写了《水上音乐》,才重新取得了他的欢心。 In 1712, Handel, who served as the music director in the court of the Hannover elect, again went to court for leave to go to England. The court approved his leave, but asked him to come back in time. Handel came to London to obtain a position as a British court composer and wanted to stay longer in England. For a long time did not return to Hanover. In 1714, the electorate of Hanover inherited the British throne, calling George the first. He was very angry about Handel's stay in Britain and the delay in returning to the United Kingdom. It is said that in the second year (1715), when George was the first to cruise the Thames along the Royal Boat, Handel wrote his “water music” for him before regaining his favor.
<正> 1.增加了小学生的心理负担。老师要求学生的作业让家长签字,这无形中给学生心理上增加了负担。不少学生从接到老师布置的作业起,乃至在做作业的过程中,心里时时惦记着这