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1998年以来,国家共安排全省基本建设国债项目662个,其中,基本建设项目560个,技改项目102个),总投资规模711.6亿元。全省共争取国债资金182亿元(其中拨款95.3亿元、转贷66.7亿元、技改贴息20亿元)。主要投向农林水利、城市基础设施、农村电网建设与改造、交通、粮库建设、公检法司基础设施、高新技术产业化、旅游文化教育、“三河三湖”水污染治理、技术改造等。截止到目前,全省560个基建国债项目中已累计建成282项,占全部基建项目总数的50.3%,完成投资477亿元。技改贴息项目有19个项目建成投产。由于国债资金的投入,办成了一批事关吉林省经济社会发展全局、多年来想办而没有办成的大事,形成了一大批可观的生产能力和优良固定资产,为拉动吉林经济增长发挥了关键性作用,为经济发展注入了新的活力。首先,国债项目年年为拉动全省GDP增长2个百分点。为“九五”的好形势和“十五”的良好开局做出了贡献。 Since 1998, the state has arranged a total of 662 basic construction treasury bonds projects in the province, of which 560 are capital construction projects and 102 are technological transformation projects with a total investment of 71.16 billion yuan. A total of 18.2 billion yuan of treasury bonds were sought across the province (including 9.53 billion yuan of appropriations, 6.67 billion yuan of loans, and 2 billion yuan of discounted bills for technical improvements). The main investment in agriculture, forestry and water conservancy, urban infrastructure, rural power grid construction and renovation, transportation, grain storage construction, public security department infrastructure, high-tech industrialization, tourism and cultural education, “three rivers and three lakes,” water pollution control and technological transformation. Up to now, 282 projects have been completed in 560 infrastructure projects across the province, accounting for 50.3% of the total infrastructure projects and an investment of 47.7 billion yuan. 19 projects have been completed and put into operation for the technical innovation discount projects. Due to the input of treasury bonds funds, it has become a series of major events that are related to the overall economic and social development in Jilin Province and have never been done in the past years. As a result, a large number of considerable productive capacities and excellent fixed assets have been formed, which plays an important role in driving Jilin’s economic growth The key role for the economic development has injected new vitality. First of all, the national debt project will boost the province’s GDP by 2 percentage points every year. For the good situation of the Ninth Five-Year Plan and for the good start of the Tenth Five-Year Plan.
以6,11-二氢二苯骈〔b,e〕氧(硫)杂 -11-酮(1)为原料,经还原、氯化、氰化和水解等反应合成了6.11-二氢二苯骈〔b,e〕氧(硫)杂卓 -11-羧酸酯(6);化合物(6)进行氧化反应后分别得到衍生物(7)和(8)。 The 6,11-dihydrodibenz
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