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  【Abstract】Teachers everywhere seek to be effective, but it is hard to define as criteria differ. Though factors affect effective teaching, characteristics are similar after analyzing research findings. Bearing in mind those features is meaningful to distinguish and guide effective English teaching.
  【Key words】effective; English teaching
  1. Introduction
  Speaking of the effective teaching, it is unavoidable to talk about teachers, their teaching skills and methods in classroom. As far as the teaching methods concerned, taking English teaching for example, the predominant teaching method in China nowadays has been changed a lot. Hence, effective English teaching becomes extremely crucial.
  2. Literature Review
  Teachers everywhere seek to be effective in all kinds of schools. But, what makes an effective teacher and what contributes to the effective teaching? Some educators think it is quite difficult to define good teaching because teaching may be too broad a concept to be limited by a single definition because the “criteria differ for every instructional situation and every teacher.”(Perrott, 1982). Undoubtedly, teaching is a complex art and the effectiveness is irrevocably contextual and also irredeemably value-laden (Brookfield, 1993:192-3).
  When Ryan (1960) and his colleagues carried out a set of research studies on teaching effectiveness, three main factors emerged which are defined as follows: “Warm and understanding versus cold and aloof.”;“Organized and businesslike versus unplanned and slipshod.”;“Stimulating and imaginative versus dull and routine.” (Cited in Perrott, 1982). And if the teacher is rated nearer the positive poles, it seems that the teacher is more effective. On the contrary, the teacher comes nearer to the negative poles, s/he is not so “effective”.
  Flander (1970) and his associates also conducted another program related with effective teaching. Two contrasting styles of teaching are found: direct and indirect. The distinguished characteristic of direct teaching is that the teachers rely on “lecture, criticism, justification of authority and the giving of directions” (cited in Perrott, 1982:2). “Indirect teaching is characterized by teacher reliance on asking questions, accepting pupil’s feelings, acknowledging pupils’ ideas and giving praise and encouragement”(ibid.). Although many studies support that the pupils of ‘indirect’ teachers learn more effective than those of ‘direct’ teachers, Flander still believed that both direct and indirect performance are necessary in effective teaching.   Besides, other researchers have studied teacher characteristics. Rosenshine and Furst (1973) have identified five characters of effective teaching. Effective teachers are not only “enthusiastic”, “businesslike and task oriented”, “clarity”, but also use a variety of materials and “provides opportunities for pupils to learn” (cited in Perrott, 1982:3).
  All these results are not adequate and thorough in defining effective teaching; yet, researchers keep on making a concerted effort to identify it in recent years. According to the meta-analyses of findings and best-evidence syntheses, Scheerens and Bosker (1997) concluded that the basic factors of effective teaching are: “time on task; closeness of content covered to assessment instrument; a structured approach; specific objectives, frequent assessment and corrective feedback; and types of adaptive instruction that can be managed by teachers” (cited in Hill and Crevola). Moreover, , Vygotsky (1978) brings to a close conclusion that closely resemble the four factors of Scheerens and Bosker. These three factors are closely related to student’s learning, namely: high expectations of student achievement; engaged learning time, and focused teaching that maximizes learning within each student’s ‘zone of proximal development’ (Vygotsky, 1978).
  However, the effective teaching has not been scientifically studied until recently. In terms of the direct instruction, ‘a teaching style in which the teachers is actively engaged in bringing the content of the lesson to students by teaching the whole class directly’, some elements of this most useful and effective teaching method help to explain what the effective teaching mean. There are some distinguished features of effective direct instruction as Muijs and Reynolds (2001:6-16) state:‘Clearly structured lessons’ – the lesson as a whole needs to be clearly structured so that students can easily understand the content of what they will learn besides how it relates to what they have learned. It is also suggested that teachers should use a variety of materials. Where possible, teachers are encouraged to explain some demanding topics via using more than one media, in order to help students to understand the materials and topics (Rosenshine and Stevens, 1986; Brophy, 1992; Borich, 1996; Reynolds and Muijs, 1999).
  To sum up, although effective teaching is defined in different ways, there is no universally accepted definition of it. To some extent, these features are not complete as far as classroom management or behavior management concerned. However, it is important to notice that these research findings, or say characteristics of effective teaching, are similar. Bearing in mind the main features, generally speaking, is useful and practical enough for us to distinguish effective teaching from ineffective teaching.   3. Experience and Suggestions of English Phonetics Teaching among majors
  Although there are many factors that influence the teaching effectiveness, the major reason that the author will address is the goal of teaching. Because the goal of teaching can definitely guide and underpin good and effective teaching, it is meaningful to know the different aims of teaching in China.
  As Bruner (1963) states that “…We teach a subject not to produce little living libraries…but rather to get a student to think mathematically… to consider matters as an historian does, to take part in the process of knowledge-getting.” In this sense, the goal of teaching in the UK is not to provide certain knowledge to memorize mechanically, instead it aims to encourage student to get good habits and ability to learn independently, to think critically and creatively, and to get some practical skills. Derived from the goal of teaching, “effective teachers pose compelling questions, explain options, teach us to reason, suggest possible directions, and urge us on” in the process of teaching (Cronin,1992).
  Nowadays, the goal of teaching in China also intends to promote students’ competence to ‘learning to know’ and ‘learning to do’. But, in fact, the teaching in China is still exam-oriented. In order to help students to pass different exams and even get higher scores, teachers try their best to provide students as much knowledge as possible. Among these exams, the College Entrance Examinations should be considered as the toughest one. As the score of these exams have a great impact on whether students can enter key universities or not, it is always said that “the exams can decide one’s fate”. Thus, effective teachers in China will equip students much knowledge and skills to help students succeed in these exams. In this sense, the “Crabbing” teaching method is also effective in China because it promises the fundamental knowledge. In terms of exams, teaching in the UK seems not to be so effective.
  4. Conclusion
  First of all, classroom climate that effective teachers created is unthreatening, friendly, comforting so that students feel safe. The second finding that all these schools shared is the essential feature of teaching effectiveness, namely, interaction. During the process of teaching, teachers use many interactive skills, such as eye –contact, body gestures, and verbal responses and so on. Furthermore, effective teachers always encourage students not only involve in the activities but also to learn independently. In most cases, teaching is very effective.   However, as the factor of exams concerned, teaching effectiveness in China seems to be more appreciated, because it can provide the essential knowledge to build up the success in exams. Therefore, the author got the inspiration to combine the features of effective teaching in the UK to teach Chinese student. This combination may not be suitable for teaching all the subjects in China, but it is practical in promoting effective teaching in English. Thus, the author strongly recommends the future EFL teachers take the challenge to promote English teaching effectiveness.
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  [2]Borich, G.. Effective Teaching Methods[J]. 3rd edn. New York: Macmillan,1996.
  [3]Brophy, J.. Probing the subtleties of subject matter teaching[J]. Educational Leadership,1992,49(7):4-8.
  [4]Bruner, J.S.. The Process of Education[J]. New York: Random House,1963.
  [5]Cronin, T. M.. On the Importance of Teaching Excellencep[J]. Retrieved 10, January,2004 from,1992.
  [7]Cooper, P. and McIntyre, D.. Effective Teaching and Learning[M]. Buckingham, Philadelphia: Open University Press,1996.
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【摘要】“6 1”课堂模式的流程主要是课堂的“导”“思”“议”“展”“评”“检”和自习课的“练”七个环节。这一课堂模式,强调学生学习过程的自主、合作、探究,将传统的“授之以鱼”转变为“授之以渔”,要求教师的角色从知识的传授者向学生学习的促进者和引导者转变,在教学中既要强调基础知识和基本技能,更要强调过程和方法。每节课都要做到环环相扣,让所有学生都紧张、高效。学生要不停地去阅读、思考、质疑、辩论、动
【摘要】中西方文化差异显著,这给商务英语翻译造成了深远的影响,为了进一步提高商务英语翻译的准确性,必须要加强对文化差异的分析,明确商务英语的特点,制定行之有效的解决策略,削弱文化差异对商务英语翻译的不利效应,唯有如此才能减少商务英语翻译的难度,推动跨文化交际的有效进行。  【关键词】文化差異;商务英语;翻译;影响  【作者简介】周静,兴义民族师范学院。  引言  在商务沟通的过程中商务英语的使用非
【摘要】互联网 时代背景下,诸多新型教育模式在我国教育体系中得到体现,传统教学模式不再适用于当前大学英语教学中,并且所面临的问题也不断增多。也正因此,大学英语教学的创新与改革成为教育工作者的主要任务。而大学英语教学与慕课教学模式的融合不仅顺应着大学英语教学改革发展的目标,更是提升教学质量的重要途径。基于此,文章探讨了互联网 时代背景下慕课与大学英语融合教学的特点,并针对其优缺点提出了相关建议。  
【摘要】随着国际化进程的发展,英语作为应用语言在各个领域都起着不可或缺的作用。即便是职业技能的培养,英语学科的学习和要求也跟着时代的发展显得越来越重要。对英语知识的渴望与英语学习能力之间的矛盾是高职院校学生英语学习都面临的问题。提升英语的自主学习能力,是终身教育发展的关键。  【关键词】高职院校;自主学习 ;课堂教学  【作者简介】李肖晗,无锡汽车工程高等职业技术学校。  一切成功的教学都取决于学
【摘要】英语写作是英语学习中一个拉分的大项目,困扰着学生;也是英语作为语言学科输出的重要环节,展现着学生的英语水平。在当前高中英语写作教学中,教师通过阅读着手引导学生积累、以读写互进的原则培养学生的写作逻辑、在改错练习中引导学生发现问题,以及在多元评价之下引导学生参与到英语写作的全过程。  【关键词】高中英语;写作教学;读写互进  语言学科学习中,听说读写能力的全面发展,关系到学生学习的输入与输出
【摘要】高考英语阅读七选五题型是新型而固定的一种题型,新课标下采用新方法巧答这种题型。  【关键词】七选五题型;新方法;语篇理解;逻辑判断  【作者简介】何明成,甘肃省积石山县民族中学。  最近几年的高考英语试卷中,阅读七选五题型是新型而固定的一种题型,整篇阅读约有250个单词,留出5个空缺,在短文后设置能符合题意的7个句子,让考生选出五个最符合相应语义的句子,每题2分,合计10分。这种题型要求考
【摘要】随着科技的不断发展,一些新的教学形式出现在我国的教育教学当中。慕课,这种新型的教学手段能够很好地改变传统英语课堂教学中形式单一,方法落后的现状,使英语课堂变得更加生动有趣。所以,我们要积极寻找方法,使英语教学与慕课教学更好地结合起来,在促进高职英语教学方式创新的同时,推动高职英语教学更好的发展。本文主要是基于慕课背景下对高职英语教学的创新方式进行探索研究。  【关键词】慕课;高职英语教学;
【摘要】语言学家威多逊(Widdowson,1978)和范*莱尔(Van Lier,1996)建议:如果作为外国语的英语是和学校其他科目、主题相联系的,那么在学校内教授起来就会非常有效,因为这不仅能更有效率,而且对于学龄期的学生来说,这比简单地为社交的目的而学习英语更为可信。如今,小学英语教学越来越提倡把英语学习与儿童现实生活价值联系起来,将英语学习融入生活之中,融入其他学科和文化的学习之中。利用