广东仁化县石塘镇双峰寨, 1928年3月到11月,发生过一场悲壮的战斗。700多名农军面对白军两个团围困,以及飞机大炮的轰击,坚守了9个月,突围时100多名伤病员及妇女被杀害。石塘中学就扎根于被双峰寨烈士鲜血染红的土地上,该校不少学生是烈士的后裔。创办于1968年的石塘中学校舍皆用人工打泥砖建成,历经33年的风风雨雨,现已破烂不堪。李良章校长的宿舍门窗破旧,泥墙剥脱,床占去2/3的位置,旧桌上摆满了书籍,多次检修的房顶无法阻挡狂风暴雨的入侵,只好用塑料桶接漏。与他相邻的是另一位老师,两人同在不到7平方米一间的土屋里为教育事业呕心沥血。多年来,石塘镇经济滞后,镇政府负债如牛负重,几乎无法对学校有资金投入。石塘中学近900名学生,不足10万元经费无法解决学校急需解决的问题。近百名
Shitang Town, Renhua County, Guangdong Shuangfeng Village, March 1928 to November, there had been a tragic battle. Over 700 troops, armed with two siege of the White Army and bombardment by aircraft artillery, held for nine months and killed more than 100 wounded and sick women and women in the breakaway. Shitang secondary schools have been rooted in the blood bianfengzhai Martyrs stained the land, many of the school’s students are descendants of the martyrs. Founded in 1968 Shitang secondary school buildings are built with artificial mud brick, after 33 years of ups and downs, is now dilapidated. President Li Liangzhang dorm dormitory windows shabby, mud wall exfoliation, bed accounted for 2/3 of the position, the old table filled with books, many maintenance of the roof can not stop the storm invasion, had to use plastic barrel leak. Next to him was another teacher, who worked hard at education in Tsuchiya, less than 7 square meters in size. Over the years, Shitang economy lags behind, the town government debt burdens, almost impossible to school funding. Shitang secondary nearly 900 students, less than 100000 yuan funding can not solve the school urgently need to solve the problem. Nearly a hundred