老挝民主主义共和国母婴死亡率下降一半 在老挝人民民主共和国减少母婴死亡率的措施正在实行。据统计母亲死亡率为653/10万,婴儿死亡率为117/1000,这在西太地区是死亡率最高的。 高死亡率有多种原因,因素之一即传统,影响母婴健康,信仰和习惯有时妨碍母亲采取健康的生活方式和使用卫生用品。一项调查发现仅30%母亲需要政府部门卫生服务设施的帮助,90%的产妇在家中分娩。落后的卫生
Decrease in maternal and child mortality rates in the Lao PDR The measures to reduce maternal and child mortality in the Lao PDR are being implemented. According to statistics, the mother’s mortality rate is 653 per 100,000 and the infant mortality rate is 117 per 1,000, which is the highest mortality rate in the Western Pacific Region. There are many reasons for high mortality. One of the factors is tradition, which affects maternal and child health. Beliefs and habits sometimes prevent mothers from adopting a healthy lifestyle and using hygiene products. A survey found that only 30% of mothers need the help of government health service facilities, and 90% of women give birth at home. Backward health