
来源 :中国工商 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ji5261
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上海市黄浦区工商联会办企业始于1986年9月。两年多来,先后创办了紫光眼镜服务部、联贸百货经营部、联达五金交电经营部、海联百货门市部、长联交电电讯商店和上海黄浦工商经济开发公司六个独立核算单位,建立了五个联销、分销网点。两年来,共创税利187万元。去年,总营业额为2351万元,创人均税利1.28万元。 Shanghai Huangpu District Federation of Industry and Commerce started its business in September 1986. Over the past two years, the Group has established six independent accounting companies, namely Ziguang Glasses Service Department, Lianmao Department Store Business Department, Lianda Hardware and Electric Trade Department, Hailian Department Stores, Changlian Jiaotong Telecom Store and Shanghai Huangpu Industry and Commerce Economic Development Company. The unit has established five joint sales and distribution outlets. In the past two years, it has created a total of 1.87 million yuan in taxes and profits. Last year, the total turnover was 23.51 million yuan, creating a profit of 12,800 yuan per capita.
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We have investigated the effect of cohesion and drag models on the bed hydrodynamics of Geldart A particles based on the two-fluid (TF) model. For a high gas ve
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7月中旬,戴尔证实,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)已经下了最后通牒,要求戴尔在7月16日前提交财报结果。否则,可能被纳斯达克摘牌。 In mid-July, Dell confirmed that the Securi