雨已经下了整整一个星期,河水在一天天地上涨。 他睁开眼的时候,意识并不清醒,他只模模糊糊地记得,什么时候他的脚下发生了塌方,他訇然落入水中,肚子撞在木桩上,他好象听到有人在喊:“局长,局长”,以后,他就什么也不知道了。 此刻他松散着四肢躺在大堤之上,人群之中,他努力睁大双眼,觉察到这儿一切都很安全,于是重新合上了眼。他太累了,几夜没有休息,两个星期前动过手术的腹部因为碰撞正疼得厉害,好象有粘乎乎的东西争先恐后地从那个地方涌出,他猜想那是血。 他没有喊叫,他知道身底下的大堤比他本身更需要这些勇敢的人们。
The rain has been down for a whole week, and the water is rising day by day. When he opened his eyes, his consciousness was not clear. He only vaguely remembered when the landslide had occurred at his feet. When he suddenly fell into the water and his stomach hit the wooden posts, he seemed to hear someone Shout: “Secretary, Secretary”, after which he did not know anything. At the moment, he lay loosely on top of the levee with all his limbs. Among the crowds, he tried to keep his eyes wide open, realizing that everything was safe here and regaining his eyes. He was too tired, had no rest for a couple of nights, and the abdomen that had been surgically operated two weeks ago was hurting badly. It seemed as if there were sticking things spilling from there. He suspected it was blood. He did not shout, and he knew that the embankment under him needed these brave people more than himself.