Chario(卓丽)、Sonus Faber(世霸)、Zingali(号令)、Diapason这些来自意大利的音箱品牌在我的心目中都是精品中的精品。它们共同的特点就是拥有美轮美奂的箱体,完全可以称得上是一件音响艺术品。而音乐的重播质量同样出色,尤其是在弦乐录音的表达能力上,意大利音箱独特的音色相当诱人,迷倒了一大片音响迷。另外,其价格也相对适中。所以,意大利音箱在国内音响迷心中的地位相当高。Sonnet书架音箱是Chario公司新推出的Academy旗舰系列中的书架音箱,它的制作工艺除了同样保持着一贯的高水准之外,全系列的产品还用上了全新的喇叭单元。我有很长的一段时间没听过卓丽音箱了,不知道它的声音会否出现很大的转变。正好本月要对它进行测评的关系而让我接触到这对音箱。同时,我也可以趁着这个机会好好地听听它的声音。
Chario, Sonus Faber, Zingali, Diapason These speakers from Italy are the best of my hobby. Their common feature is to have a magnificent box, can be regarded as a sound art. The same replay quality music, especially in the ability to express the string recording, the unique sound of the Italian speakers quite attractive, lost a large audio fans. In addition, its price is relatively modest. Therefore, the Italian speakers in the hearts of fans in the country a very high position. Sonnet Bookshelf Speaker is Chario’s new flagship series Academy bookshelf speakers, its production process in addition to maintaining the same high standard, the full range of products also use a new speaker unit. I have not heard Zhuo Li speakers for a long time, I do not know if there is a big change in the voice. Just this month to evaluate the relationship between it and let me come into contact with the speaker. At the same time, I can take advantage of this opportunity to listen well to its voice.