As a pesticide, pyrethrum has been documented in ancient Persia. It was spread to Japan at the end of the eighteenth century and cultivated in large numbers. After the Second World War, Nanfi was planted in large quantities and produced large quantities. Although our cultivation history is not long-lasting, all the provinces along the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Shandong and Hebei provinces have grown very well. The advantages of pyrethrum insecticidal effect is very fast, far better than any kind of insecticide, but also for humans and animals is not toxic. Many kinds of pyrethrum, pyrethrum white pygmy generally the most effective, so in cultivation of this as the main. Pyrethrum perennial perennial plants, like hi dry, avoid low humidity, suitable for high slopes or slopes, it is appropriate to cultivate sandy loam. Spring and autumn can be planted every year, seedlings can grow up to several inches.