古代,由于科学技术的落后,人们对因雷电引起的火灾几乎束手无策。明代初期,紫禁城就因雷电等原因造成了三次大火。据史料记载,明代皇宫内还有一些鲜为人知的火灾。 嘉靖四十年十一月二十五日,夜幕低垂,万寿宫内烛火通明。忽然烛光熄灭了,但宫女妃嫔们的嬉笑喧哗声依然很大。原来是受嘉靖帝宠幸的尚美人为博皇帝的欢心。在宫内貂帐中燃放小烟火。如此胡闹,终于酿成一场火灾。由于火势凶猛,“一切服御及先朝异宝尽付一炬。”
In ancient times, due to the backwardness of science and technology, people were at a loss what to do about the fire caused by thunder and lightning. In the early Ming Dynasty, the Forbidden City caused three fires due to thunder and lightning. According to historical records, there are still some little-known fires in the Ming Palace. Jiajing forty years on November 25, drooping night, Wanshou Palace candlelight. Suddenly the candlelight went out, but the laughter of the ladies and concubines was still loud. The original is by Jiajingdian favor the beauty of the Bo emperor’s favor. In the palace mink account discharge small fireworks. So nonsense, and finally lead to a fire. Due to the ferocious fire, “All service imperialism and the treacherous sacrifice.”