苏雄是目前为数不多在国际广告公司中做到高位的华人,管理着BBDO在十几个国家的运营,让他来谈谈广告公司的经营管理应该是最适合的了,就让我们和苏雄一起闲聊一下。贺:您第一次做GM是什么时候? 苏:1986年,中国智威汤逊成立的时候已经我已经在做GM的工作了,真正做独立的GM是在台湾。我第一次当GM的经验和别人很不一样,一切都是从零开始,一个员工都没有,办公室也没有,就我自己一个人做。WPP在谈购买智威汤逊的条件,凯诺后来突
Su Xiong is one of the few Chinese people who have achieved high status in international advertising companies. He manages the operations of BBDO in more than a dozen countries and let him talk about the management of advertising companies. Let us Suxiong chat about it. HE: When did you first become a GM? Sue: In 1986, when JWT was founded, I was already working on GM. The truly independent GM is in Taiwan. My first experience as a GM was very different from that of others. Everything started from scratch. No employee, no office, just myself. WPP Talking about the conditions for buying JWT, Keno later sudden