Apical cysts by the infection of chronic inflammation of the root canal periapical long-term stimulation of the tissue, causing residual periodontal epithelial hyperplasia, the central part of the formation of liquefaction, oral and maxillofacial cyst is a group of odontogenic cysts, It is not a real tumor in itself. Apical cyst is a more common type of maxillofacial cyst. Apical cyst So far, the vast majority of surgical removal, rarely using conservative treatment. Earlier Shi Junnan reported the use of root canal therapy to eliminate cysts. Foreign reports have observed the apical cysts by conservative treatment, the cyst epithelial pathological changes. In 1958, we treated 5 cases of apical cysts with hydroxide ion (OH ~ -) electrolysis, and 4 of them were followed up regularly. One of them had 10 years of long-term effect observation. In 1974, the same three conservative treatment was made. Near and long-term efficacy are very good, cysts disappear