文化馆的大胡子一个电话,就把我拉到妫河渡口。登上小舟,天色渐渐浸阴起来,接着下起了细雨。那雨儿极细,细得教人看着像雾,那雾又像自水面氤氲而起,直至水天一色了。那雨下得极有情致,正是“吹面不寒杨柳风”的时节,雨丝儿在风中扬扬洒洒地抚摩面颊和裸露的肌理,情绪立时陷入清凉凉的惬意之中,而河面漂荡的花花绿绿的雨伞,使那情致更浓起来了。 我们不打雨伞,我们只在细雨的情致中。
Culture Museum bearded phone, pulled me to the ferry crossing. Boarded the boat, the sky gradually soaked Yin, then began to drizzle. The rain is so fine that it is fine to teach the people to look like fog, and the fog rises up like a gnash from the water until it is filled with water. The rain was very delightful, it is the “blowing face is not cold willow wind” season, rain silk children in the wind splashed caressing cheeks and bare texture, emotions plunged into cool and comfortable immediately, and the river drift The colorful umbrellas, so that the situation is more concentrated. We do not hit an umbrella, we are only in the drizzle.