From Alliance to Tutelage: A Historical Analysis of Manchu-Mongol Relations before the Qing Conquest

来源 :中国历史学前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fiveboy0714
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Before 1644,the Manchu rulers pursued a deliberate policy of alliances with the south (later “Inner”) Mongol tribes.In the 1630s the system of treaties and alliances gave way to the creation of the League-Banner system,the jasaq system,and the Lifan Yuan.The new territorial and political organization meant that the south Mongols,while retaining a degree of autonomy,became subjects of the Qing dynasty.This essay explores the historical circumstances of the transformation of the relationship between Manchus and Mongols from partnership to subordination.It also aims to explain the political principles deployed by the Manchus in the redefinition of their relationship with the Mongol elites.More specifically,the essay proposes that the new forms of administration of Inner Mongolia stemmed from a condition of “tutelage.” Tutelage was not simply imposed by the Manchus upon their erstwhile allies,but actively sought by Mongol aristocrats in the context of the intra-Mongol wars carried out by the (C)aqar leader Ligdan Khan.
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1948年,一位名叫乌兹·加尔的以色列陆军中尉设计出一种结构紧凑、性能可靠的冲锋枪。以色列军方对该枪试验评审后,十分满意,当即进行大批生产,并命名为“乌兹冲锋枪”,装备以色列全军。乌兹冲锋枪除作为以色列的制式冲锋枪外,美、英、德、比等国的特种部队也都采用它。  乌兹冲锋枪射击精度高、火力强,尤其在营救人质的特殊战斗中更是大显神威。1976年6月27日,一架大型民航客机凌晨从以色列特拉维夫本古里安机