The birth of the first film music In 1945, after Japan’s Fascist declared unconditional surrender, I arrived in Dalian with a group of “Lu Yi” writers. At that time, I was a singer and soloed in the “Yellow River Chorus” to “the Yellow River.” In 1946, Chiang Kai-shek launched an all-out civil war and we moved to Xingshan. Soon afterwards, we established our first film studio in Northeast China, the Northeast Film Studio. At the beginning, I was still an actor in the cast, performing the opera. Later on, “East Shadow” wanted to make the first movie, “Staying Old Chiang Kai-shek,” and lack of composers (Comrade Ho Tse who could compose music). Since I wrote a song, she was discovered by Comrade Chen Poh-lam Is the leader of the “East Shadow” plant), she wants me to write music for the film.