A Research Proposal on Gender Differences of Conversational Repair Makers

来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yiwen_yu
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  Language and gender, as the major topics in sociolinguistics, have experienced a long history with the earliest origin back to 17th and 18th centuries. The great work Language and Women’s Place published in 1975 by Robin Lakoff, as a solid foundation for the later researches, initiates a dramatic exploration of linguistic differences.
  Conversational repair is a frequent phenomenon in conversation interaction, which refers to the way that the speaker or listener corrects the expression when they encounter the language is unreasonable, unintentionally misused or misunderstanding during the conversation. (王宗炎, 1988) Conversational repair usually consists of three parts: the trouble source, the initiation of repair, and the completion of repair. With the effort of Scheglof (1979), there are many forms of initiating repairs, such as non-lexical speech perturbations and lexical expressions. Non-lexical expression usually involves interruption of words and short intervals after interruption. Lexical initiation refers to the use of words such as “no”, “sorry”, “well”, “OK”, “you know” and so on. Discourse markers marking the initiation of repair, which are called conversational repair makers, belong to the pragmatic functions of discourse markers (Schifrin, 1987), (何自然, 2006).
  Research Questions
  This thesis is a study of gender differences with gender as a social variable in conversational repair markers, which is helpful to enhance the coherence of the discourse and strengthen the interactivity of the two sides of the conversation. So the analysis of conversational repair markers is of great importance. This dissertation devotes to answer the following two questions:
  1. What are, if there are any, the differences on the frequency of conversational repair markers employed by the same gender in The Amazing Race?
  2. What are, if there are any, the differences on the frequency of conversational repair markers employed by the mixed gender in The Amazing Race?
  Data Collection
  The collected data in this research comes from an American reality competition show The Amazing Race,and the scripts of the 27th season will be considered as the corpus. The author builds a small database by the text and identify the markers through search engines. The final research objective conversation repair markers will be determined with the research method of Conversation Analysis.
  Research Method   For the quantitative method, the statistics is classified and analyzed. The data are collected through the scripts of five-hour video in The Amazing Race 27th season. The corpora are divided into 3 groups according to the gender difference. Then the analysis of Descriptive Analysis and Chi-Square Test of SPSS are used to make a quantitative analysis of the data to test if there is gender difference. Qualitative analysis is conducted to provide tentative explanations, which helps us understand how gender differences of the usages of conversation repair markers occur.
  The significance of this study can be seen from the following three points. Firstly, it provides sufficient evidence through empirical study to verify whether there are indeed gender differences in conversation repair markers in real context. Secondly, according to the study on gender differences in conversation repair markers, which is helpful to enhance the coherence of the discourse and strengthen the interactivity of the two sides of the conversation. Thirdly, the data collected from TV series is closer to naturally occurring data compared with the Discourse Completion Task, thus the results of the study are more persuasive and trustworthy.
【摘要】随着新课程改革的深化发展,小学英语课堂教学面临着新的挑战与机遇,发展创新而高效的课堂教学模式成为了重点和焦点问题。在这样的形势背景下,对小学英语课堂教学发展的基本情况进行一番深入的探究具有十分重要的科学意义和应用价值。因此,本文主要论述了小学应用课堂教学发展现状,并就其发展的改革对策提出思考与展望,供参考。  【关键词】小学英语;课堂教学;发展现状;改革对策;发展展望  小学英语课堂,作为
过去40年是中国与世界良性互动和发展的黄金时期,见证了全球化的发展如何将一个国家从贫穷落后带上蓬勃发展的道路,进而又通过发展来让整个世界获益。  40年前的1978年,中共十一届三中全会决定把全党的工作中心转移到“发展生产力”上来。对内改革对外开放成为基本国策,中国也就此开启了融入世界、对接全球化的进程。在这40年中,中国逐步融入世界体系之中,从最初被动回应到后来的主动参与全球化。而且,通过融入全
【摘要】高中英语教学的主要特点是知识点多、涉及范围更广,因此高中阶段的英语教学也更难。近年来,素质教育的观念不断深入,已经逐渐成为广大师生的共识。要坚持素质教育,就必须充分发挥学生在教学过程中的主体性作用,始终坚持以生为本,这种教学理念和方法有助于激发学生的学习积极性和主动性,有助于激发学生的创造力,提高课堂教学效率,最终提高高中英语教学质量。  【关键词】高中英语;教学;以生为本;策略  【作者
【摘要】近年来,随着科技的进步和课堂对科技的引入,“微课”对课堂教学的推动作用逐渐凸显。本文通过对微课的介绍以及特点的分析,讨论微课对中职英语教学的促进作用。充分利用微课的优势提高课堂效率。  【关键词】微课;中职教学;英语教学  【作者简介】于秋颖,天津市体育运动学校。  微课只围绕一个重点或难点展开讲解,时间较短,一般为10分钟左右的视频,针对性较强。同时,微课中的视频、音频、图片等的引入,大
【摘要】自从2001年我国加入世界贸易组织后,我国和世界各国的贸易往来越来越频繁,能够无障碍交流是合作的基础,而英语作为国际通用语,是我们跨出国门必须要掌握的基本技能。所以,在高中英语教学中,教师要注重学生英语素养的提升,尤其是对口语的应用,进而,为学生日后的全面发展打下坚实的基础。  【关键词】高中英语;口语教学;发音;词汇量;实践活动  【作者简介】崔海,安徽省长丰县第一中学。  英语作为三大
【摘要】英语听力教学中常用Note-taking and Gap-filling Exercises(NTGF)练习形式,针对听力不同阶段教学在听力文本性质,提纲结构层次,每横线中单词数等方面应采取不同的形式与要求,以适应听力测试的要求。  【关键词] 听力教学;Note-taking and Gap-filling/NTGF;文本性质;结构层次;单词数;听力测试  【作者简介】戚宇光(1976.
【摘要】为落实“把思想政治工作贯穿教育教学全过程,实现全程育人”的指导精神,如何在高职英语教学中融入课程思政内容,提升广大英语教师的思政意识和思政能力,已成为新时代高职英语教学面临的重大课题。本文结合习近平2014年9月在同北京师范大学师生代表座谈时的讲话精神,谈一谈新时代课程思政环境下对高职英语教师的新要求。  【关键词】课程思政;高职英语;新时代;新要求  【作者简介】贺毅夫,益阳职业技术学院
【摘要】对中国学生来说,英语长难句无论是理解还是翻译都是一个棘手的问题。本文首先对比分析英汉长难句在句法层面的显著差异,然后分析在英汉对比的视角下,如何有效规避长难句翻译中可能遇见的障碍,进而提高英语长难句的理解和汉译。  【关键词】英汉对比; 长难句;翻译技巧  【作者简介】李洋(1979.06-),女,汉族,河南信阳人,中国传媒大学南广学院,副教授,硕士研究生,研究方向:英语语言教学。  一、
【Abstract】Personal identity development is an interactive, dynamic, and complex process formed in such an environment as family, a micro-context where child-parent interaction occurs, resulting to ind