创建于1958年的武汉市研口区井冈山小学是一所全国信息技术创新先进学校、湖北省信息技术实验学校、武汉市示范学校、硚口区名校。学校建有计算机教室,多媒体综合教室、无线网络教室、并配有与英特网连接的校园网络系统、教学闭路电视系统、红领巾电视演播中心以及 KU 波段卫星教育资源网。这一系列先进的现代信息技术资源为学校现代教育技术的发展奠定了坚实的基础。同时,浓厚的校园文化、深受学生喜爱的彩色塑胶跑道、
Founded in 1958, Keiogashan Elementary School at Yanbu District of Wuhan City is a national advanced school for information technology innovation, an experimental school of information technology in Hubei Province, a demonstration school in Wuhan and a famous university in Qikou District. The school has a computer classroom, multimedia classrooms, wireless network classrooms, and with the Internet connected to the campus network system, teaching CCTV system, red scarf television studio and KU band satellite educational resources network. This series of advanced modern information technology resources have laid a solid foundation for the development of modern educational technology in schools. At the same time, a strong campus culture, by students favorite color plastic track,