Comparative Analysis ofIntegrated Mode of English Teaching

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  【Abstract】 The paper focuses on the integrated teaching mode, including online courses, online live teaching and students’ autonomous leaning. Based on the comparative analysis and effective integration of the three teaching modes, the paper emphasizes the importance and selection of teaching content and multi-dimensional teaching evaluation of the three teaching modes.
  【Key words】 teaching modes; comparative analysis; effective integration; multi-dimensional evaluation
  【作者簡介】Liu Tingting, School of International Education, Jiangsu Maritime Institute.
  1. Introduction
  The Ministry of Education requires colleges and universities to make full use of the online MOOC courses and high-quality online course resources and platforms, actively carry out online teaching, and open nearly 24000 free online courses to ensure the effectiveness of online teaching. In the period, the integrated teaching mode(online courses, live online teaching and students’ autonomous learning) came into being. It is the integration of various teaching modes, and integrates modern education technology and information technology, which conforms to the concept of lifelong education and replaces the uniform face-to-face traditional teaching mode. To effectively integrate the three teaching modes is worth studying.
  2. Comparative analysis and effective integration
  2.1 Comparative analysis
  Online teaching is rich in teaching resources, such as private and micro classes of MOOC, which are suitable for students with self-control in the high age group; while online live teaching is flexible, with good interaction between teachers and students, and needs a strong sense of presence, as a supplement and support measures for various programs, but it has certain requirements or network speed and so on. All kinds of teaching forms need to be based on the premise of students’ effective self-learning. College students have stronger ability of self-learning than other age stages of students. With the form of distance teaching, it can be an effective supplement to other teaching modes. Therefore, colleges and universities all over the world need to choose or combine different teaching modes according to their conditions.
  2.2 Effective integration
  The effective integration teaching mode can be divided into three stages: before class, in class and after class. According to Ausubel’s learning theory, “Learners should have certain knowledge in order to associate with new knowledge.” Before class, teachers should understand the learning situation, prepare the preview task list, teaching design, PPT, MOOC and micro class. MOOC or micro class video can be pushed according to some classroom tools. Based on the preview task list, students’ autonomous learning includes: (1) viewing the preview task list, watching MOOC or micro class videos. (2) In the class, we will carry out the online live teaching. (3) The teacher prompts the students to sign in to solve the problems before class, live teaching, release exercises, solve questions, live learning, complete exercises, and ask questions. (4) After class teachers share and expand learning resources. According to the completion of students’ homework and data analysis, teachers can answer questions and solve doubts. The teaching mode of teachers before class, in class and after class is effectively linked together, and students’ learning also forms a virtuous circle.   3. Content selection
  The content of teaching must be jumped out of textbooks under the background of Internet plus education. This requires not only English teachers to choose teaching contents and resources, but also to educate companies and publishers to adapt to the changing situation and build three-dimensional teaching materials. In learning English, we should pay attention to the culture of the target country. Take some news as an example. Before class, teachers can make students search for some situations related to the news. This can help students to collect information and read English. Besides, teachers can also push videos of the relevant topic to introduce listening and writing skills. The group members can brainstorm online according to the writing topic and complete the composition based on the outline. After completing the composition, the students first give self feedback and modification to the peer feedback, and feedback to the teachers. In class, the teacher will display excellent works according to the students’ writing conditions, so that students can appreciate and discuss each other’s common problems in writing. The teacher needs to point out and listen to the students’ doubts in class. After class, teachers can send expansion materials.
  4. Multi dimension teaching evaluation
  Multi dimension evaluation includes macro multi dimension evaluation and micro multi dimension evaluation. Macro multi dimension evaluation focuses on the integration of qualitative evaluation and quantitative evaluation, the integration of formative evaluation and summative evaluation, and the integration of evaluation resources. Evaluation sources can be divided into self-evaluation of students, group evaluation, network evaluation and comprehensive evaluation of teachers. The multi-dimensional evaluation system can comprehensively test the students’ comprehensive application ability of English.
  The proportion of micro multi dimensional evaluation under the integrated teaching mode is as follows: preview effect(10%), class attendance rate(10%), class performance (10%), homework(10%), test result(30%). Among them, the rate of classroom performance is the largest, including the interaction between teachers and students, students and students, the innovation and accuracy of active speech and speech content, the evaluation of active help group members, group members, notes taking, etc. The kind of multi dimension evaluation is used to cultivate students’ ability of self-learning and cooperation.
  5. Conclusion
  According to the analysis above, it can be easily found that any successful online teaching mode can not be adopted individually, that is to say, any mode is not perfect enough to support the teaching effectiveness. In the case, integrated teaching modes and multi dimension teaching evaluation should be introduced appropriately so as to prompt college English teaching effectiveness to a new level.
  [1]He Bin
【摘要】汉语中有单独的量词词类,英语中没有量词这一词类,然而英语中存在各种类型的表量构式,其功能就相当于汉语里的量词。本文从认知语言学视角梳理了国内外关于英语表量构式的研究,笔者认为将英语表量构式纳入构式语法研究是不可避免的趋势,从而为英语表量构式的研究和教学提供了新的思路和方法。  【关键词】表量构式;量词;构式  【作者简介】滕兆梅,江南大学,硕士研究生,研究方向:语言学:构式语法。  一、前
【摘要】基于移动学习理论,本研究以广东白云学院大一、大二学生为对象,通过问卷调查和访谈,旨在了解当前大学生常用的移动英语阅读APP以及对比四种常见英语阅读APP的学习资源、适合用户群、功能与和不足之处。本研究对“互联网 ”时代的移动学习软件设计和大学英语教学具有现实指导意义。  【关键词】移动学习;英语阅读APP;本科生  【作者简介】钟嘉霞,广东白云学院外国语学院2018级英语专业学生;林洁榕,
【摘要】思维导图主要就是指图文结合,并且应用层级图将所有主题之间的关系展示出来的思维方法,其不仅仅能够帮助人们在艺术、逻辑以及思维等方面得到平衡,同时还能够深入的挖掘人们头脑中的潜能。基于此,本文主要针对思维导图在初中英语教学中的应用进行了详细的分析,希望能够促使初中英语教学质量的提升。  【关键词】思维导图;初中英语教学  【作者简介】王奎涛,山东省邹平市梁邹实验初级中学。  引言  在初中英语
【摘要】目前旅游业已经成为国家战略体系中的重要组成部分,在国内游和出境游人数连年增长的同时,入境游也迎来了新发展。旅游英语在旅游经济增长中起到了不可忽视的作用。本文从单一的语言层面研究扩展到经济层面的研究,论述了旅游英语的语言特点并分析其直接和间接产出的经济价值。  【关键词】旅游英语;语言特点;经济价值  【作者简介】王琴琴(1984.06-),女,汉族,辽宁丹东人,辽东学院,讲师,硕士,研究方
【摘要】随着经济全球化的不断深入,对外贸易的频率不断增加,需要大量应用型口译人才服务于区域经济发展。但是,现阶段英语专业毕业生的知识结构欠佳,英语语言应用能力较差,无法与当前市场需求充分契合。对此,高校应积极转变英语教学方式,将翻转课堂引入其中,使教学质量得到显著提升。基于此,本文将立足于口译教学现状,在任务驱动下对口译翻转课堂的实施措施进行分析和研究。  【关键词】任务驱动;翻转课堂;口译  【
【摘要】语言学习的终极目标是能夠运用语言交流,凭借获得的口头语或书面语开展情感沟通。需要教师在开展英语教学的前提下,成功进行跨文化交流,认真思考母语思考模式与文化造成的影响,注意引导学生培养汉语文化的习惯。基于这一角度,结合跨文化交际含义,分析影响跨文化意识培养的主要因素,提出相关的培养策略。  【关键词】大学英语;跨文化交际意识;培养策略  【作者简介】商亮(1978.06-),男,汉族,吉林大
【摘要】传统高中英语教学中,教师的教法多局限于满堂灌的口授,學生被动接受和学习英语的现象普遍。基于此,在《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》的指导下,努力使教学不固定化,模式化,多探索适合学生的教法和学法指导,做好学生英语学习道路上的领路人。  【关键词】 高中英语;教法研究;学法研究  【作者简介】吴章玲,福建省宁德市第五中学。  传统高中英语教学中,教师的教法多局限于满堂灌的口授,学生容易
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