“九五”以来,芜湖市财政坚持以经济建设为中心不动摇,紧紧抓住国家扩大内需、实施积极财政政策的历史机遇,不断探索市场经济条件下运用财政杠杆促进基础设施建设和经济发展的新思路和新办法,大力推进经济结构战略性调整。——培育和壮大支柱产业。“八五”后期,在综合调研论证的基础上,我市确定产业关联度大、成长性好、财政贡献率高的新型建材、汽车及其零部件、电子电器三个产业作为新兴支柱产业加以发展,不断扩大产业群,拉长产业链。经过多年的培育和发展,新型建材业已成规模,水泥已具备600多万吨生产能力并将扩张到800-1000万吨生产能力,成为全国产量最大的水泥生产基地;PVC 管材、
Since the Ninth Five-Year Plan, Wuhu Municipality has been unswervingly following the principle of taking economic construction as the center. It has firmly grasped the historic opportunity of the country in expanding domestic demand and implementing a proactive fiscal policy and continuously explored the use of fiscal leverage to promote infrastructure construction under market economy. New ideas and new approaches to economic development, and vigorously promote the strategic readjustment of the economic structure. - Cultivate and expand pillar industries. On the basis of comprehensive investigation and demonstration, the city determined that the three industries of new building materials, automobiles, parts and components, and electronic appliances with high industrial connection, good growth and high financial contribution will be emerging props Industry to develop, continue to expand industry groups, extend the industrial chain. After years of cultivation and development, the new type of building materials industry has become the scale, cement has more than 6 million tons of production capacity and will expand to 800-1000 tons of production capacity, becoming the country’s largest output of cement production base; PVC pipe,