Introduction A serial pipelined multiplier, the basis of digital filters, was first proposed by Jackson, Kaiser and Lonald [1] in 1968. The multiplier uses an algorithm for small-scale and medium-scale integration of digital blocks and multiplication of the original code representation by two positive numbers representing the number of the original code. To make digital filters comparable in power, cost, size, and reliability to their analog filters, its integration must be further enhanced. As digital processors generally use two’s complement representation, so you need to add lines in the original code multiplication operation to convert between the original code and the complement. In 1973, Lyon [2] proposed a multiplier operation method for a cascaded pipeline by directly multiplying the two’s complement multiplicand and the two’s complement multiplier, or multiplying the two’s complement multiplier by the original multiplier. Designing such a multiplier slice, the logic must first consider its versatility so that it can be used not only for special shellfish